How Do You Renew Your Hawaii Handicap Parking Placard Online?

Hawaii’s disabled parking laws are very similar to those found on the mainland. As a part of the United States, Hawaii’s government officials have established a well-rounded program for disabled parking in the state and an easy procedure for how to get a handicap parking placard.

There are several types of parking placards available in Hawaii. A person with a short-term disability, such as a broken leg, can acquire a parking placard that is valid for a period of six months or less. That gives those who are not permanently disabled the chance to use the benefits while they heal. For those with permanent disabilities, long-term placards are also available, allowing them to get around much more easily.

For those with long-term disabilities, paying attention to when your parking placard expires is crucial to ensure that you don’t get stuck with a ticket for parking in the wrong spot without a valid permit – and that’s where renewal comes in. But how do you renew your parking placard in Hawaii, and can you do it online?

Can you renew a handicap placard online in Hawaii?

In today’s digital age, we do most things online – from ordering groceries to finding a date, the process is usually entirely virtual! However, renewal for your Hawaii handicap placard is still something of an analog process. People looking to renew their parking permits need to do so by mail, since there is currently no online option, and according to the Department of Health Disability and Communication Access Board with the Government of Hawaii, in-person renewal is also a no-go.

The mail-in option is reserved for renewals only. People who have yet to apply for their permit or license plate that helps them park in designated spots can do so by mail if they wish, but there’s also an option to submit in person at the Satellite City Hall.

man driving in hawaii
Image by Daniele Colucci on Unsplash: How do you go about HI disabled parking permit renewal?

How do I renew my disabled parking permit in Hawaii?

As we mentioned, there is only one way to renew your parking permit in the state of Hawaii, and that’s via good old snail mail. According to the Hawaii government website, to renew your placard, you must:

  • Complete the PA-3 form
  • Mail the completed form to this address:
    DCAB P.O. Box 3377
    Honolulu, HI 96801

The PA-3 form is a two-page document. Page one of the form requests the following information:

  • Full name
  • Email address (optional)
  • Full mailing address
  • Birth date
  • Height, weight, and gender
  • The city you live in
  • The nature of the request (first application, renewal, replacement card)

If you’re applying to have special license plates for a specific county, there is also a section to be filled out for that that requires your vehicle information, such as:

  • Year
  • Make
  • Model
  • License number
  • Vehicle registration expiration date

When you’ve completed page one, you must take page two to a licensed practicing physician to have them fill it out for you. This part of the form will go through the details of your condition, how it affects you, and how long you’re expected to have it.

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Image by Sarah Brown on Unsplash: What do I do with an expired handicap placard in Hawaii?

How long does it take to receive your placard after mailing your renewal application?

There is no definitive timeline when it comes to receiving your placard after you’ve applied for renewal by mail – you’ll be at the mercy of the mail service and varying processing times. According to the Hawaii Government Disability and Communication Access Board, however, it can take roughly five to six weeks for the application to be processed. Add in the time it takes for mail to arrive, and you should expect up to two months of wait time between sending in the application and receiving your renewed handicap placard.

Because of how long it can take to renew your parking permit, you should always keep an eye on your expiration date. This way, you can plan to mail the renewal forms in with ample time to receive the new one before your current placard expires. 

Once you receive your permit, it’s valid for six years, so even though the renewal process takes time, you don’t have to do it often! Having the proper handicap placard in Hawaii makes it much easier to get around if you have a disability that affects your day-to-day living, so don’t forget to renew yours before it’s due for expiry.

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Get Your Disabled Parking Permit Online In Hawaii

How do you get your disabled parking permit online in Hawaii? We’re here to tell you all you need to know!

Can You Get Your Disabled Parking Permit Online In Hawaii?

Is there an online HI disabled parking permit application? The Hawaii disability parking permit applicationform can be downloaded online. You can also have your medical consultation online using a telemedicine clinic such as Dr. Handicap. The only part of the application process that cannot be completed online is the submission of the form, which must be done in person or by mail.

How Do I Get A Disability Placard In Hawaii?

To get a Hawaii disabled parking permit you must first have a consultation with a medical professional. This can be done online using the Dr. Handicap app. Once the doctor verifies your disability, they will sign a Hawaii disability parking permit application and email it to you. You must then complete the application and submit it to a county issuing site.

If the medical professional certifies that you are unable to appear in person because of a medical condition, your authorized representative must present your original I.D. along with the completed application form to a county issuing site.

What Types Of Hawaii Disabled Parking Permits Are Available?

Hawaii offers the following types of disabled parking permits:

  • Long-term disability placards (blue) and license plates
  • Temporary disability placards (red)
  • Disabled Veterans plates
hawaii beach
Image by Michelle_Raponi on Pixabay: How do I get a disability placard in Hawaii?

What Are The Qualifying Conditions For Disabled Parking In Hawaii?

The qualifying conditions for a Hawaii disabled parking permit are:

  • An inability to walk 200 feet without having to stop and rest due to an arthritic, neurological, orthopedic, oncological, renal, or vascular condition
  • A respiratory condition such that their forced expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter, or their arterial oxygen tension is less than sixty mm/hg on room air at rest
  • A heart condition designated as Class III or Class IV by the American Heart Association
  • An inability to walk without the aid of a brace, crutch, walker, artificial lower limbs, cane, another person, or wheelchair
  • A condition that requires the use of a portable oxygen tank

Which Medical Professionals Can Certify My Hawaii Disabled Parking Application?

Only a licensed practicing physician or an advanced practice registered nurse can certify an application for a Hawaii disabled parking permit.

How Much Does A Hawaii Disabled Parking Permit Cost?

Hawaii temporary disabled placards cost $12. Permanent permits are free in Hawaii.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Disabled Parking Placard In Hawaii?

Your application for a Hawaii disabled parking permit will be processed within 10 business days.

How Long Are Hawaii Disabled Parking Permits Valid?

Temporary Hawaii disabled parking placards are valid for up to six months and permanent permits are valid for six years. Permanent permits can be renewed, but temporary placards cannot. If you still need to use disabled parking when your temporary placard expires, you must apply for a brand-new permit.

How Do I Renew My Hawaii Disabled Parking Placard?

You can renew your Hawaii disabled parking permit by submitting an application form by mail to:

P.O. Box 3377
HI 96801

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Image by hhach on Pixabay: How long does it take to get a disabled parking placard in Hawaii?

Is Disabled Parking Free In Hawaii?

Disabled parking permit holders can park in designated disabled parking spaces in Hawaii for free. Disabled parking spaces are signposted with the International Symbol of Access.

Unlike in most other states, parking in on-street, metered spaces in Hawaii is not free for disabled permit-holders. However, you can get a Disabled Paid Parking Exemption Permit (DPPEP), which entitles you to park in metered spaces for free for up to 2.5 hours if you are:

  • Unable to reach above your head to a height of 42 inches from the ground due to a lack of finger, hand, or upper extremity strength or mobility
  • Unable to approach a parking meter due to use of a wheelchair or other mobility device
  • Unable to manage, manipulate, and insert coins, bills, or cards in a parking meter or pay station due to a lack of fine motor control in both hands

You can apply for a DPPEP by submitting an application to:

P.O. Box 3377
HI 96801

Where Is My Hawaii Disabled Parking Permit Valid?

Hawaii disabled parking permits are available in all other US states, all US overseas territories and the following foreign countries:

  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • UK
  • EU
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • Australia

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Qualifying Conditions For A Disabled Parking Placard In Hawaii

Hawaii has a well-managed and user-friendly disabled parking program. The Aloha State is well stocked with disabled parking infrastructure, which improves accessibility to public and private amenities and buildings for people with various disabilities.

So what are the qualifying conditions for a disabled parking placard in Hawaii? What types of disabled parking permits are available in Hawaii? And how do you apply for a disabled parking permit in Hawaii? Read on for all the info you need.

Qualifying Conditions For A Disabled Parking Placard In Hawaii

So, what qualifies for a disability placard in Hawaii? There are several conditions that will qualify you for a disabled parking permit in Hawaii, including one or more of the following:

  • You cannot walk 200 feet without having to stop and rest due to an arthritic, neurological, orthopedic, oncological, renal, or vascular condition
  • You have a respiratory condition such that your forced expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter, or your arterial oxygen tension is less than sixty mm/hg on room air at rest
  • You have a heart condition designated as Class III or Class IV by the American Heart Association
  • You cannot walk without the aid of a brace, crutch, walker, artificial lower limbs, cane, another person, or wheelchair
  • You have a condition that requires the use of a portable oxygen tank
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Image by 12019 on Pixabay: What are the qualifying conditions for a disabled parking permit in Hawaii?

Hawaii’s list of qualifying conditions is relatively limited compared to many other US states. Unlike in other states, in Hawaii you do not qualify for a disabled parking permit if you have a visual impairment, have an upper limb amputation, are deaf, are pregnant, or if you have a mental illness or a behavioral, learning, intellectual, or developmental disability.

How Hard Is It To Get A Disability Placard In Hawaii?

If you have a condition that qualifies you to get a Hawaii disabled parking permit, the application process is straightforward. However, unlike in most other US states, application forms cannot be submitted online and must instead be submitted by mail or in person at a Satellite City Hall.

What Types of Disabled Parking Permits Are Available In Hawaii?

The following types of disabled parking permits are available in Hawaii:

  • Long-term disability placards (blue) and license plates – for people whose disabilities are expected to last at least six years
  • Temporary disability placards (red) – valid for up to six months

How Do I Get A Disabled Parking Permit In Hawaii?

The first step when applying for a Hawaii disabled parking permit is to have a consultation with a state-licensed physician. This can be done remotely using the Dr. Handicap online clinic.

Once the physician has verified your disability, they will email you a certified copy of the Hawaii Disabled Parking Permit Application Form (form PA-3). You can then complete the form and submit it to the Hawaii Department of Health, either in-person at your local Satellite City Hall or by mail to:

Motor Vehicle Licensing & Permits
ATTN: Special Services Section
P.O. Box 30310
Honolulu, HI 96820

How Do I Get A Disabled License Plate In Hawaii?

You can request a disabled license plate in Hawaii if you have a long-term disability and qualify for a permanent disabled parking permit. Simply request a disabled license plate on your application form. Disabled Veterans also qualify for disabled license plates in Hawaii.

city with rainbow hawaii
Image by little plant on Unsplash: How do you get a disabled parking permit in Hawaii?

Do You Have To Pay For Parking With A Disability Placard In Hawaii?f

Hawaii disabled parking permit holders can park for free in designated disabled parking spaces. These spaces are signposted and marked with the International Symbol of Access.

Parking in metered spaces in Hawaii is not free for permit-holders. However, some people qualify for a Disabled Paid Parking Exemption Permit (DPPEP). A DPPEP entitles its holder to park in metered spaces for free for up to 2.5 hours.

To qualify for a DPPEP you must:

  • Be unable to reach above your head to a height of 42 inches from the ground due to a lack of finger, hand, or upper extremity strength or mobility;
  • Be unable to approach a parking meter due to use of a wheelchair or other mobility device; or
  • Be unable to manage, manipulate, and insert coins, bills, or cards in a parking meter or pay station due to a lack of fine motor control in both hands.

To apply for a DPPEP, you can submit an application form to:

P.O. Box 3377
HI 96801

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Is Handicap Parking Free In Hawaii?

Hawaii has a modern handicap parking infrastructure that helps to make the lives of local and visiting permit-holders easier. All of Hawaii’s urban areas, rural areas, and attractions are well stocked with disabled parking spaces.

Applying for a disabled parking permit from the State of Hawaii is a simple process. Applications are processed quickly, and there are several types of disabled permits. Each permit is tailored to a specific set of needs and circumstances.

People who are new to disabled parking in Hawaii, such as newly disabled residents or first-time visitors to the state, tend to have several questions about disabled parking in the Aloha State.

What are the Hawaii handicap parking rules and regulations? Is handicap parking free in Hawaii? Can you park free at a meter with a handicap placard in Hawaii? Can I use my handicap placard in Hawaii? How do I get a handicap placard in Hawaii? Today, we will answer all of these questions and more.

Hawaii Handicap Parking Rules And Regulations

Handicap parking is a federal law. Disabled parking programs in all states must adhere to guidelines set out in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), but each state decides the specifics of its own handicap parking program. So, in practice, while all states adhere to the ADA, each state has its own unique version of a disabled parking program.

Hawaii, like all other US states, has its own set of handicap parking rules and regulations. These adhere to ADA guidelines but take Hawaii’s unique circumstances into consideration.

honolulu hawaii with rainbow overhead
Image by little plant on Unsplash: Is handicap parking free in Hawaii?

Is Handicap Parking Free In Hawaii?

It is free to park in designated disabled parking spaces in Hawaii. Designated disabled parking spaces are clearly signposted and marked with the International Symbol of Access. However, parking in metered, on-street spaces in Hawaii is not free.

Can You Park Free At A Meter With A Handicap Placard In Hawaii?

Parking in a metered space in Hawaii is no longer free for disabled permit holders. On July 1st, 2021, the law changed, and disabled permit holders are now required to pay to park in metered spaces in the state. However, certain people will qualify for a Disabled Paid Parking Exemption Permit (DPPEP).

A DPPEP will entitle its holder to park in a metered space for free for up to 2.5 hours. To qualify for a DPPEP, a person must:

  • Be unable to reach above their head to a height of 42 inches from the ground due to a lack of finger, hand, or upper extremity strength or mobility; or
  • Be unable to approach a parking meter due to use of a wheelchair or other mobility device; or
  • Be unable to manage, manipulate, and insert coins, bills, or cards in a parking meter or pay station due to a lack of fine motor control in both hands.

To apply for a DPPEP, you will need to submit an application form to:

P.O. Box 3377
HI 96801

You can renew an expired DPPEP, or replace a lost or damaged permit, by submitting a new application form to the same address.

Can I Use My Handicap Placard In Hawaii?

If you are visiting Hawaii from another US state, you can use your disabled parking permit to avail of Hawaii handicap parking infrastructure. Hawaii recognizes disabled parking permits from all other US states and also from several other countries, including:

  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Great Britain
  • EU
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Japan
sunset over water in honolulu hawaii
Image byjaspion82 on Pixabay: Can you park free at a meter with a handicap placard in Hawaii?

How Do I Get A Handicap Placard In Hawaii?

To apply for a Hawaii handicap parking permit, visit the Dr. Handicap online clinic and have a consultation with a state-licensed physician.

Once the physician verifies your suitability for handicap parking, they will email you a signed copy of the Hawaii disabled parking permit application form. You then complete the form and submit it to the Hawaii Department of Health. You can submit your application in person at any Satellite City Hall or by mail to:

Motor Vehicle Licensing & Permits
ATTN: Special Services Section
P.O. Box 30310
Honolulu, HI 96820

Are Hawaii Disabled Parking Permits Free?

The fee for a Hawaii temporary disabled permit in Hawaii is $12. Permanent Hawaii disabled permits are free.

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