Kentucky Handicap Parking Permits

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet issues both handicap license plates and placards to residents who have a disability and meet the requirements in the application process. By having a handicap sign for the car, disabled people can park closer to buildings when their sign is visible on their vehicle. It can also be used whether you are the driver or the passenger, but you must be in the vehicle to use it. Any visitor to Kentucky with a disability can use their state’s handicap parking sticker, but they must follow the rules and regulations for Kentucky.



Taking advantage of a handicap parking space without a disability is considered handicap parking abuse in Kentucky and could lead to fines of $20-$100 for each offense. People are encouraged to report anyone not following the handicap placard rules by contacting local authorities immediately.

Also, local law enforcement can call about a disability placard randomly if they suspect misuse. Not keeping the placard current with its expiration can lead to penalties, even if you are disabled.


Parking Pass Requirements

In order to qualify for a handicap parking sticker in Kentucky, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Restricted mobility due to a lung disease
  • Limited walking ability as a result of a neurological, arthritic or orthopedic condition
  • A chronic heart condition
  • Being legally blind
  • Inability to walk without the use of an assistance device
  • Unable to walk 200 feet without stopping to rest
  • Use of portable oxygen

A disabled veteran can also receive a handicap sign for the car if they meet the requirements for a Disabled Veteran License Plate. The veteran must have a disability at least 50% service-connected and it must be verified by the Veteran’s Administration. The application fee is $26, and a surviving spouse can also use the handicap plate if they meet the eligibility requirements.


How to Apply

Residents can apply for a handicap placard in Kentucky by mail or in person at a local county clerk’s office. The information needed to complete the application includes:

  • A filled out and notarized Application for Disabled Person’s Special Parking Permit (Form TC-96-204)
  • Medical certification by a licensed physician, chiropractor, or advanced practice registered nurse to verify your disability
  • The appropriate fee (license plates are $21; placards are free)

Click here now to start the application process for your disability certification with a qualified doctor from Kentucky.


Other Information

Handicap placards and license plates have different expiration dates and will need to be renewed at the appropriate times:

  • License plates are valid for no more than one year and expire on July 31
  • Permanent handicap placards are valid for up to two years
  • Temporary handicap placards are valid for up to three months, as determined by your doctor

Renewing your handicap placard requires filling out a new application with notarization and another certification of your disability by a medical professional. License plate renewals are taken care of with your renewed vehicle registration.

We have licensed physicians available in every state ready to evaluate you to determine your eligibility for a handicap license plate or placard. If you believe you may qualify for a handicap parking permit in Kentucky, be sure to contact us.

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