How Do You Renew Your Illinois Handicap Parking Placard Online?

The Illinois disabled parking program exists to improve the lives of disabled residents and visitors in The Prairie State. Illinois’s disabled parking infrastructure gives disabled permit holders easier access to public and private amenities in the state.
In order for the program to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible, it’s important that all permit holders understand and abide by Illinois disabled parking rules – and this means making sure you renew your permit when it expires.
It’s illegal to use an out-of-date disabled parking permit in Illinois. So today we’re here to answer the all-important question… How do you renew your Illinois handicap parking placard online?
We’ll also investigate some crucial related questions, such as: Can you renew a handicap placard online in Illinois? How do I renew my disabled parking permit in Illinois? Do I need medical certification to renew my Illinois handicap parking placard online? How much does it cost to renew my Illinois disabled parking permit? What do I do with an expired handicap placard in Illinois?
Read on for all you need to know.
Can You Renew A Handicap Placard Online In Illinois?
Most of the application process for renewing your Illinois handicap parking permit can be completed online using the Illinois Secretary of State website and an online telemedicine clinic.
What Types Of Disabled Parking Permits Are Available In Illinois?
You can get the following different types of handicap parking permits in Illinois:
- Permanent disabled parking placard
- Permanent disabled parking license plate
- Meter-exempt permanent placard
- Temporary disabled parking placard
- Organization disabled parking permit (available to groups that transport disabled people)
- Disabled Veterans license plate
You can qualify for a meter-exempt permanent placard if you are:
- Unable to access parking meters
- Unable to reach 42 inches above the ground
- Unable to handle coins due to hand disabilities
- Unable to walk more than 20 feet at a time
When Do Illinois Disabled Parking Permits Expire?
In Illinois:
- Permanent disabled parking placards are valid for four years.
- Temporary disabled parking placards are issued for a maximum of six months.
- Organization disabled parking placards are valid for four years.
Do I Need Medical Certification To Renew My Illinois Handicap Parking Placard Online?
Yes, each time you renew a permanent permit or get a new temporary permit in Illinois you will need to get new medical certification.
Who Can Certify An Application To Renew A Handicap Parking Permit Online In Illinois?
The following state-licensed medical professionals can certify an application to renew a handicap parking placard in Illinois:
- Licensed physician
- Physician’s assistant
- Advanced practice nurse
- Optometrist
How Do I Renew My Disabled Parking Permit In Illinois?
The IL disabled parking permit renewal process is straightforward and user-friendly. Most of the process can be completed online.
To renew your Illinois handicap parking permit, follow these simple steps:
- Have a telemedicine consultation with an Illinois state-licensed medical professional. This can be done using an online telemedicine clinic. Once the medical professional verifies your need to renew your disabled parking permit, they will complete the medical certification section of the Illinois handicap placard application form and email it to you within one working day.
- Complete the application form and submit it by mail to:
Secretary of State,
Persons with Disabilities License Plates/Placard Unit,
501 S. Second St., Rm. 541,
Springfield, IL 62756.
Applications for permanent permits must be mailed to the above address. If you’re applying to get a new temporary placard, you can mail your application or submit it in person at any Secretary of State facility.

How Much Does It Cost To Renew My Illinois Disabled Parking Permit?
It’s free to renew your disabled parking placard online in Illinois. There are registration fees when renewing a disabled license plate.
What Are The Qualifying Conditions For Handicap Parking In Illinois?
The qualifying conditions for an Illinois handicap parking permit are:
- Lung disease to such a degree that the person’s forced (respiratory) expiratory volume is one second when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter
- Use of a portable oxygen device
- Class III or Class IV cardiac condition according to the standards set by the American Heart Association
- An inability to walk without the assistance of a wheelchair, walker, crutch, brace, and other prosthetic device or without the assistance of another person
- Severe limitation in the ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological, oncological, or orthopedic condition
- An inability to walk 200 feet without stopping to rest because of one of the above five conditions
- Missing a hand or arm or has permanently lost the use of a hand or arm
What Do I Do With An Expired Handicap Placard In Illinois?
You can recycle your Illinois disabled parking permit once it expires, or dispose of it in another secure way.