How Can I Get A Handicap Parking Placard In San Diego?

Disabled people in San Diego are well served by the city’s handicap parking infrastructure. The San Diego disabled parking program is well-run and user-friendly.
If you are a resident of San Diego who has a disability but has not yet applied for a handicap parking permit, you may have several questions, such as…
How can I get a handicap parking placard in San Diego? How do I get handicapped parking in front of my house in San Diego? What are the disabled parking rules in San Diego?
Below, we will answer these important questions.
Who Issues Disabled Parking Permits In San Diego?
Disabled parking permits in San Diego are issued by the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles.
What Types Of Disabled Parking Permits Are Available In San Diego?
The following types of disabled parking permits are available in San Diego:
- Permanent disabled parking placard or license plate
- Temporary disabled parking placard
- Organization disabled parking placard
- Disabled Veterans license plate

How Can I Get A Handicap Parking Placard In San Diego?
You can get a handicap parking permit in San Diego by having a video consultation with a California medical professional on the Dr. Handicap online clinic.
Once the medical professional verifies your disability, they will sign the Doctor’s Certification section of an application form. You then complete the application form and submit it to the California DMV. Permanent permits are free and temporary permits cost $6.
Completed applications can be submitted in-person at any DMV field office or by mail to:
DMV Placard
PO Box 932345
Sacramento, CA 94232-3450
Who Can Verify An Application For A Disabled Permit In San Diego?
The following types of medical professionals can verify an application for a disabled parking permit in San Diego:
- Licensed physician
- Physician assistant
- Nurse practitioner
- Certified nurse midwife
- Surgeon
- Licensed chiropractor
- Licensed optometrist
What Are The Qualifying Conditions For A Disabled Parking Permit In San Diego?
A person will qualify for a disabled parking permit in San Diego if they have one of the following disabilities:
- They have lost the use of both hands or one or both lower extremities
- They have a disease that impairs or interferes with mobility
- They are unable to walk without the aid of an assistive device
- They have visual problems, including lower vision or partial sightedness
When Do Disabled Parking Permits Expire In San Diego?
In San Diego, permanent disabled parking placards expire after two years and temporary placards expire after six months.
How Do I Renew A Disabled Parking Placard In San Diego?
You renew your disabled permit in San Diego by submitting a completed application form in-person at any DMV field office or by mail to:
DMV Placard
PO Box 932345
Sacramento, CA 94232-3450
How Do I Get Handicapped Parking In Front Of My House In San Diego?
You can apply for handicapped parking in front of your house by submitting a request to the San Diego Traffic Engineering Division:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 619-533-3126

Disabled Parking Rules In San Diego
Disabled permit holders in San Diego are entitled to park:
- In designated ‘disabled’ parking spaces (marked with the International Symbol of Access)
- Next to a blue curb (blue curbs indicate the space is authorized for people with disabilities)
- Next to a green curb for up to 72 hours (green curbs indicate time-limited parking)
- In an on-street, metered parking space for free
San Diego disabled permit holders may not park:
- In spaces marked with a crosshatched pattern next to a disabled parking space
- Next to a red curb (which indicates no stopping, standing, or parking at any time)
- Next to a yellow curb (which indicates that a space is reserved for use by commercial vehicles)
- Next to a white curb (which indicates that a space is for loading and unloading passengers or depositing mail)
Where Are San Diego Disabled Parking Permits Valid?
San Diego handicap parking placards are valid in every US state, all US overseas territories, and the following foreign countries:
- Canada
- Mexico
- UK
- EU
- Japan
- Australia
- New Zealand
Disabled permits from all of these states and countries are also recognized in San Diego.
Featured image by Derek Story on Unsplash