How Telemedicine Can Help You Get A Disabled Parking Permit (Video)

Telemedicine uses telecommunication technology to remotely diagnose and treat patients who are unable to reach a doctor’s office.

This means that patients with impaired mobility can gain access to medical care without the discomfort and inconvenience of traveling to see a doctor.

To learn more about how telemedicine can help you get a disable parking permit, watch our video below!

Around 13% of Americans are classified as having a disability, according to the latest data from the Disability Statistics Annual Report.

While this is a large proportion, there are strict conditions that qualify patients for disabled parking permits.

Although some qualifying conditions vary from state to state, generally if patients are:<

  • Unable to walk a set number of feet without stopping to rest (in some states this number can be as low as 50 or as high as 200)
  • Require the use of a cane, crutch, brace, prosthetic device, wheelchair, or the assistance of another person
  • Require the use of a portable oxygen mask to walk
  • Are considered to be legally blind (visual acuity of 20/200 or less with the use of corrective lenses)

Then they will qualify for a disabled parking permit.

Dr Handicap is a first-of-its kind online telemedicine service, whose primary function is to help qualifying patients attain disabled parking permits from a state DMV without the need to travel.

To see if you qualify, apply for an evaluation with one of our doctors today!