How Do I Renew My Handicap Sticker In Georgia?

The State of Georgia has an excellent disabled parking program. The process of applying for a Georgia permit is easy to navigate and the state is amply supplied with disabled parking infrastructure. Georgia residents, as well as visitors to the state who have an out-of-state handicap parking permit, get to avail of a disabled parking program that makes life a lot more manageable for people with mobility issues.

In order for the Georgia handicap parking program to work well, it needs to be appropriately regulated. Georgia handicap parking authorities run a tight ship, with a firm-but-fair implementation of the rules.

It is important that people who are using the handicap parking program in Georgia understand the rules and regulations. They need to know what types of permits are available in Georgia, who qualifies for disabled parking in the state, how to apply for a permit, and how to renew a handicap permit in Georgia.

Below, we will answer several crucial questions about the Georgia handicap parking program, including… How do I renew my handicap sticker in Georgia? How much does a handicap placard cost in Georgia? And how do you get a handicap sticker in Georgia?

atlanta city at night in georgia
Image by 12019 on Pixabay: How do I renew my handicap sticker in Georgia?

Who Can Apply For A Georgia Disabled Parking Permit?

Any resident of Georgia can apply for a handicap parking placard in the state. They will need to have a qualifying temporary or permanent disability. A business, institution, or organization can also apply for a Georgia handicap parking permit if they transport disabled people.

What Types Of Handicap Parking Permits Are Available In Georgia?

The following disabled parking permits are available in Georgia:

  • Temporary placard
  • Permanent placard (also issued to businesses, institutions, and organizations)
  • Special equipment permanent placard (issued to people with permanent disabilities who drive a vehicle with hand controls or who have lost the use of both upper extremities)
  • Permanent license plate
  • Disabled veterans license plate

How Long Are Georgia Handicap Parking Permits Valid For?

Permanent disabled permits in Georgia are valid for four years. A temporary permit is valid for 180 days. Both types of disabled parking permits can be renewed when they expire.

How Do I Renew My Handicap Sticker In Georgia?

The Georgia disabled placard renewal process is straightforward. You need to download or collect an application form from the Georgia Department of Revenue. You’ll then complete sections A, B, and F of the application form and submit it, either in person or by post, to the local County Tag Office. When renewing a permanent permit, there is no need to get a new medical professional’s verification.

You cannot renew a temporary permit; instead you must apply for a new temporary permit, including new verification from a licensed medical professional.

city in georgia usa
Image by Wesley Hall on Unsplash: How much does a handicap placard cost in Georgia?

How Do You Get A Handicap Sticker In Georgia?

To apply for your first permanent Georgia handicap sticker, or any temporary permit, arrange a telemedicine consultation with a medical professional through the Dr. Handicap online clinic. Once your disability has been verified, the medical professional will complete the relevant sections of an application form, which you can then complete and submit to your local County Tag Office.

How Much Does A Handicap Placard Cost In Georgia?

Temporary, permanent, and special permanent disabled parking permits in Georgia are free. A handicap license plate costs $20.

Who Can Verify An Application For A Georgia Handicap Parking Permit?

The following licensed medical professionals can verify an application for a disabled parking permit in Georgia:

  • Doctor of medicine or osteopathic medicine
  • Podiatrist
  • Optometrist
  • Chiropractor

What Are The Qualifying Conditions For A Georgia Handicap Parking Permit?

The following disabilities qualify a person for disabled parking in Georgia:

  • Being severely hearing impaired
  • Any disability that will incapacitate a person for more than 180 days
  • An inability to walk 200 feet without stopping to rest
  • An inability to walk without the use of or assistance from a brace, a cane, a crutch, another person, a prosthetic device, a wheelchair, or another assistive device
  • Lung disease
  • Portable oxygen usage
  • A cardiac condition that is classified in severity as Class III or Class IV according to the American Heart Association
  • Visually impaired
  • Severely limited mobility due to an arthritic, neurological, or  orthopedic condition, or complications due to pregnancy

What Are The Georgia Handicap Parking Laws?

A Georgia handicap permit entitles its holder to park in any designated disabled parking space in Georgia or in any other US state. It also entitles its holder to park in metered, on-street spaces free of charge and for unlimited time periods in some jurisdictions.

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How Do I Renew My Handicap Placard In Colorado?

Colorado has a well-run and efficient handicap parking program. There is copious handicap parking infrastructure across the Centennial State. Colorado’s rural parts, areas of natural beauty, and major cities are all well serviced by handicap parking spaces.

Disabled Parking In Colorado

A Colorado disabled parking permit entitles its holder to avail of handicap parking infrastructure across the Centennial State and beyond. Getting a disabled parking permit in Colorado is a simple procedure. The application process is quick and easy.

People tend to have many questions about disabled parking in Colorado, such as… What are the qualifying conditions for handicap parking in Colorado? What kinds of Colorado disabled parking permits are available? How do you apply for a disabled permit in the Centennial State? And how do you renew a handicap permit in Colorado?

Today we will answer all of these important questions and more.

person in wheelchair on road
Image by Jon Tyson on Unsplash: You qualify for a disabled parking permit in Colorado if you use a wheelchair.

Who Qualifies For A Disabled Parking Permit In Colorado?

To qualify for a Colorado disabled parking permit a person must have one of the following disabilities:

  • They cannot walk two hundred feet without stopping to rest.
  • They cannot walk without the use of a brace, cane, crutch, another person, prosthetic device, wheelchair, or another assistive device.
  • They are restricted by lung disease to such an extent that their forced (respiratory) expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter, or the arterial oxygen tension is less than sixty mm/hg on room air or at rest.
  • They use portable oxygen.
  • They have a cardiac condition that is classified in severity as class III or IV by the American Heart Association.
  • They are severely limited in their ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition.

What Kinds Of Disabled Parking Permits Are Available In Colorado?

The following types of disabled parking permit are available in Colorado:

  • Three-Year Placards or Plates – for people with permanent, extended, or temporary disabilities.
  • Temporary Placard – for people with short-term disabilities.
  • Disabled Veterans Plates
  • A Remuneration-Exempt Disability Placard – for people who have lost fine motor control in both hands, or are unable to reach a height of 48 inches from the ground due to lack of finger, hand, or upper extremity strength or mobility, or are unable to reach a parking meter due to the use of a wheelchair or other ambulatory device.

How Do I Get A Handicap Placard In Colorado?

To get a Colorado handicap parking permit, you can go to the Dr. Handicap online clinic and have a telemedicine consultation with a Colorado medical professional.

The following medical professionals can verify an applicant for disable parking in Colorado:

  • Licensed physician
  • Commissioned Medical Officer of the U.S. Armed Forces, the U.S. Public Health Service, and/or the U.S. Veterans Administration
  • Advanced Practice Nurse
  • Physician Assistant
  • Podiatrist
  • Chiropractor (short-term permit only)
  • Physical Therapist (short-term permit only)

Once your disability has been verified, you and the medical professional will complete the relevant sections of an application form and submit it to the Colorado Department of Revenue, Division of Motor Vehicles. The application form can be submitted by post, in person, or through the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles website.

Do Permanent Handicap Placards Expire?

Colorado does not have a permanent handicap permit. The handicap permit available to people with a permanent disability is the three-year permit, which, as the name suggests, must be renewed every three years. However, it is only necessary to get a medical professional’s signature for renewal every third time (so every nine years).

When Does A Disabled Parking Placard Need To Be Renewed In Colorado?

A Colorado three-year permit must be renewed every three years. A Colorado short-term placard must be renewed after 90 days and can be renewed only once.

How Do I Renew My Handicap Placard In Colorado?

Can I renew my handicap placard online in Colorado? Yes, you can renew your Colorado handicap parking permit online at the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles website.

To renew your permit, just complete an application form. There is no fee to renew placards, but fees may apply when renewing a license plate. New medical professional verification is required when renewing if you have an extended, temporary, or short-term disability. As mentioned above, permanently disabled people need verification every third renewal.

person using laptop to renew disabled parking permit online
Image by Thomas Lefebvre on Unsplash: Online placard renewal in Colorado is a quick and easy process.

Can I Replace A Lost, Stolen, Or Damaged Permit In Colorado?

If your Colorado disabled parking permit gets lost, stolen, or damaged, you can get a replacement. A replacement permit can be obtained by applying through the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles website.

Are Colorado Disabled Parking Permits Valid Outside The State?

Colorado handicap permits are valid in all other US states. They are also valid in the following foreign countries:

  • UK
  • EU
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

Featured image by Cassie Gallegos on Unsplash

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