The Complete Guide To How You Can Get An Online Disabled Parking Permit In California

The California disabled parking program is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the country. Disabled parking in California exists to help CA residents and visitors to the Golden State to access public and private buildings, areas, businesses, amenities, and residences more easily.

California disability parking improves the lives of millions of people who struggle with mobility issues. Today, we’re here to discuss how you can get an online disabled parking permit in California. As well as outlining how to get a California disabled parking permit online, we’ll also answer all of the most important questions about disabled parking in California, including…

Why should I get an online disabled parking permit in California? What types of California disabled parking permits are available? How do you apply for a California disabled parking permit online? What is the California disabled parking permit renewal process? What are the California disabled parking permit qualifying conditions?

What Is A California Disabled Parking Permit?

A California disabled parking permit is a legal document that entitles its holder to use disabled parking infrastructure in California, as well as in certain other jurisdictions outside of CA. California disabled parking permits come in the form of placards, stickers, and license plates.

Who Can Legally Issue A California Disabled Parking Permit?

The State of California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is the organization that issues disabled parking permits in California.

The California disabled parking program is run by the California DMV. California has its own disabled parking laws that deviate in some ways from those in other states. However, like all other states, California adheres to federal disability law, as stipulated in the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Why Get An Online Disabled Parking Permit In California?

Having a California disabled parking permit has many advantages, including:

  • Accessing free parking in any designated disabled parking space in California, as well as various other jurisdictions in the US and abroad.
  • Accessing free parking in metered, time-restricted spaces in California.
  • Being entitled to apply for residents’ disabled parking bays to be installed near your home.

Getting your permit online is the easiest way to go, because:

  • Applying for your permit online is the most time-efficient method.
  • Medical certification can be arranged faster using an online telemedicine clinic than going to a doctor’s office in person.

How You Can Get An Online Disabled Parking Permit In California

Most of the process of getting a California disabled parking permit can be completed online. You can get an online disabled parking permit in California by:

  1. Having a consultation with a state-licensed medical professional using an online telemedicine clinic.
  2. Downloading an application form from the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles website.

What Types Of Disabled Parking Permits Are Available In California?

The following types of disabled parking permits are available from the California DMV:

  • Permanent Disabled Parking Placard
  • Permanent Disabled Parking License Plates
  • Temporary Disabled Parking Placard
  • Organization Disabled Parking Permit (available to organizations and institutions that transport disabled people)
  • Disabled Veterans license plates (available to people whose disabilities are mostly military service-related)
  • Travel Parking Placard for California Residents (available to California residents who hold a permanent disabled parking placard or plates, or Disabled Veteran plates and wish to travel)
  • Travel Parking Placard for Nonresidents (available to nonresidents who have a permanent disability and/or Disabled Veteran license plates and wish to travel)
cars parked in california
Image by Enric Cruz López on Pexels: How do you get a California disabled parking permit?

Who Qualifies For Disabled Parking In California?

Any resident of California who has a qualifying disability is entitled to get a disabled parking permit in California. You do not need to own a vehicle to get a California disabled parking permit. Non-vehicle owners can get a permit to use in any vehicle they happen to be traveling in. There are also short-term disabled parking permits available for visitors to California who are disabled.

How To Get A California Disabled Parking Permit

So, how do you apply for a California disabled parking permit online? You can apply for your CA disabled parking permit online in three simple steps.

  1. Have a consultation with a California-licensed medical professional. This can be done using an online telemedicine clinic. Once the state-licensed medical professional has verified your disability and suitability to use disabled parking in CA, they will fill in the Doctor’s Certification section of a disabled parking application form and email it to you.
  2. Complete the form with your details.
  3. Submit the form and any necessary fee to the California DMV. This can be done either in person at a DMV office or by mailing it to:
    DMV Placard
    PO Box 932345
    Sacramento, CA 94232-3450

California Disabled Parking Permit Qualifying Conditions

You will qualify for a California disabled parking permit if you are disabled in one or more of the following ways:

  • Visual impairment (where central visual acuity does not exceed 20/200, in the better eye, with corrective lenses, as measured by the Snennel test, or visual acuity that is greater than 20/200, but with a limitation in the field of vision such that the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle not greater than 20 degrees)
  • Cardiovascular disease (measured as Class III or IV in severity according to American Heart Association standards)
  • Lung disease (to such an extent that forced [respiratory] expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter, or the arterial oxygen tension is less than sixty mm/hg of room air at rest )
  • Any diagnosed disease or disorder that substantially impairs or interferes with mobility
  • A disability that means you cannot walk without the aid of an assistive device such as a cane, crutch, wheelchair, or another person
  • Any condition that significantly limits the use of the lower extremities
  • The loss, or the loss of use of, one or more of the lower extremities
  • The loss, or the loss of the use of, both hands

Who Can Certify An Application For A Disabled Parking Permit In California?

All applications for California disabled parking permits must be certified by a state-licensed medical professional. The best way to have a consultation with a medical professional is remotely using an online telemedicine clinic.

The following types of medical professionals are qualified to certify an online disabled parking permit application in California:

  • Physician
  • Physician assistant
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Surgeon
  • Chiropractor
  • Optometrist
  • Certified nurse-midwife

How Much Is A Disabled Parking Placard In California?

  • California permanent disabled parking permits are free.
  • California temporary disabled parking permits cost $6.

How Do I Get A Disabled License Plate In California?

You can get a disabled parking license plate in California if you are permanently disabled and you own your own vehicle. License plates are free. You apply for a license plate by stipulating this preference on the application form you submit.

How Do You Use A California Disabled Parking Permit?

  • California disabled parking placards must be hung from the rearview mirror when the vehicle is parked and safely stowed away while the vehicle is in motion.
  • You must never loan your disabled parking permit to another person, even if that person is also disabled.
  • You must present your ID and your disabled parking placard ID card (this is issued to the permit holder and they must be in possession of it when using their permit) when asked by law enforcement.

When Do California Disabled Parking Permits Expire?

All types of California disabled parking permits expire after a period of time.

  • Permanent California disabled parking placards are valid for up to two years. Permanent placards expire on June 30 of every odd-numbered year.
  • Temporary California disabled parking placards expire after 180 days or on a date recommended by the certifying medical professional, whichever time is shorter.
  • California disabled parking license plates expire on the date that the vehicle’s registration is up for renewal.
  • Travel Parking Placards for California Residents expire after 30 days.
  • Travel Parking Placards for Nonresidents expire after 90 days or on a date recommended by the certifying medical professional, whichever time is shorter.

Do All Types Of California Disabled Parking Permits Need To Be Renewed When They Expire?

Not all types of California disabled parking permits need to be renewed by the holder once they expire.

  • Permanent disabled parking placards do not need to be renewed by their holder. The California DMV will automatically mail a new placard and identification card to the address shown in their records before renewal time comes on June 30 of every odd-numbered year. (From 2023, every third renewal [every six years] will need to be applied for by the permit holder.)
  • Temporary disabled parking permits do need to be renewed.
  • Disabled parking license plates do need to be renewed.
person in wheelchair on beach
Image by adamtepl on Pixabay: What are the California disabled parking permit qualifying conditions?

What Is The California Disabled Parking Permit Renewal Process?

From 2023, every third renewal of a California permanent disabled parking permit (every six years) will need to be applied for. Temporary disabled parking placards must be renewed after six months if the holder still requires disabled parking (temporary permits can be renewed up to six times). Each time a temporary placard is renewed, new medical certification must be obtained.

To renew any type of California disabled parking permit online:

  1. Arrange a telemedicine consultation with a qualified medical professional through an online telemedicine clinic.
  2. Submit a completed application form to the California DMV either in person at a DMV office or by mailing it to:
    DMV Placard
    PO Box 932345
    Sacramento, CA 94232-3450

How Do I Replace A Lost, Stolen, Or Damaged California Disabled Parking Permit?

If your CA disabled parking permit has been lost, stolen, or damaged, you can apply for a replacement by submitting an Application For Replacement Plates, Stickers, Documents to the California DMV address above.

Where Are California Disabled Parking Permits Valid?

California disabled parking permits are valid in all of the following jurisdictions:

  • All US states
  • All US overseas territories
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • EU
  • The UK
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Japan

Are Out-Of-State Disabled Parking Permits Valid In California?

Disabled parking permits from all other US states are recognized in California. So are permits from several foreign countries, including Mexico, Canada, the UK, the EU, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.

Another option for visitors to California is to get a Travel Parking Placard for Nonresidents. These permits are valid for up to 90 days and available to nonresidents who have a permanent disability and/or Disabled Veteran license plates and wish to travel in California.

California Disabled Parking Rules And Regulations

It’s important that you follow the rules when using California’s disabled parking infrastructure. These rules exist to make the program run smoothly and to be as user-friendly as possible. So, what are the rules and regulations you need to know about when using your California disabled parking permit?

California disabled parking permit-holders may park:

  • In any parking space marked with the International Symbol of Access
  • Next to a blue curb (these spaces are authorized for disabled parking)
  • Next to a green curb for unlimited time (green curbs indicate limited time parking)
  • In an on-street metered parking space for free
  • In a space that indicates it requires a resident or merchant permit

California disabled parking permit-holders may not park:

  • In spaces marked with a crosshatched pattern next to a disabled parking space
  • Next to red curbs (red curbs indicate no stopping, standing, or parking)
  • Next to yellow curbs (yellow curbs mark spaces reserved for commercial vehicles to load and unload)
  • Next to white curbs (white curbs mark spaces reserved for loading and unloading passengers or depositing mail)

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How Do You Renew Your Colorado Handicap Parking Placard Online?

Residents of Colorado who suffer from reduced mobility which affects their ability to park and drive should consider applying for a Colorado disabled parking permit. A disabled parking permit allows the driver to park in specially-designed and well-located parking spaces, avoiding unnecessary stress behind the wheel.

Colorado has a well-run disabled parking program, and users are welcome to avail of their services through the online system. This system makes managing your disabled parking permit more convenient, as it reduces your need to travel to and from appointments or application centers in-person. In this blog, we will be discussing everything you need to know about CO disabled parking permit renewal, including how to do so online. 

Image by Amit Bansal on Unsplash: How do I renew my disabled parking permit in Colorado? Read on to find out.

How Do You Apply For A Disabled Parking Permit In Colorado?

Before we delve into the renewal process, it is important to recap on how to get your first disabled parking permit in Colorado. To apply for your first disabled parking permit in Colorado, you need to do the following things:

  1. Complete a consultation with a licensed Colorado physician who can certify your disability (and complete this section of the application form). Dr Handicap can help you to arrange this consultation virtually, through telemedicine. 
  2. Apply using Colorado’s online system, along with any other documents or information required. Alternatively, you can complete the ‘Person with Disabilities Parking Privileges Application’ form which can be found online. You will need to submit this in person at your local County Motor Vehicle Office (or potentially via post, please contact the office to ensure this is the case at the time of your application).
  3. Receive your placard – only after you have the physical permit in hand can you begin to use disabled parking places. Please do not occupy these spaces prior to receiving your placard, even if your application is being processed. 

How Do You Renew Your Colorado Handicap Parking Placard Online?

Once you have your placard, it is important to keep an eye on its expiry date. Renewing it with plenty of time to spare ensures you will always have a valid placard, and will not run into trouble. 

Can you renew a handicap placard online in Colorado? Yes, you can! To renew your Colorado disabled parking permit online, you can simply use the online system and request a replacement of your disabled parking placard. According to the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles; “Persons with Disabilities Placards may be replaced to the original applicant with the same expiration date as the originally issued placard without a new verification from a medical professional”.

However, if you are replacing your placard as it has been lost, stolen, or damaged (and your placard is nowhere near the expiry date), you must ensure that you surrender the damaged placard for replacement. You must also give a copy of the DR 2574 Registration Receipt for the placard you are looking to replace, to validate your replacement request. Renewals are free of charge for placards, but plates incur a fee.

Image by Darwin Vegher on Unsplash: What do I do with an expired handicap placard in Colorado?

How Do I Renew My Disabled Parking Permit In Colorado?

In the above section, we have gone through the requirements and the process for renewing a Colorado disabled parking permit. Luckily, Colorado’s online system makes the process of renewing your permit more streamlined and efficient than in some other states.

Now that we have discussed the basics of applying and renewing a Colorado disabled parking permit, an important thing to point out is that you may or may not require re-certification from a medical professional upon renewal. The rules for this vary depending on whether you have a permanent, temporary, extended, or short-term permit.

  • Permanent placards require renewal every three years. However, you require medical certification only initially, and then every third renewal – so each nine years. Self-certification suffices for the first and second time you renew.
  • Extended placards require re-certification every three years – including the initial application and the first time you renew. 
  • Temporary placards work the same way as extended placards, and you will need an initial medical certification as well as an additional one with every renewal. Self-certification does not apply for either temporary or extended placards.
  • Short-term placards last up to ninety days typically, and require medical certification initially as well as after this ninety-day period. These can usually be renewed only once.

Ensuring you are aware of the renewal requirements for the type of placard that you have means that the process is likely to go much more smoothly and be stress-free. The type of placard you receive depends upon your medical condition – therefore, it is important to speak to a medical professional upon renewal in case there have been any changes to your condition since the first time you were granted a permit. We hope that the information in this article helps you to navigate the online renewals process when the time comes to renew your Colorado handicap parking permit. 

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The Complete Guide To How You Can Get An Online Disabled Parking Permit In New York

New York State is home to over 20 million people and contains the nation’s most iconic, densely-packed, loved (and sometimes loathed!) urban metropolis: New York City. The Empire State is a very popular travel destination, attracting millions of people every year for business and pleasure. 

New York’s disabled parking infrastructure plays a crucial role in improving accessibility for both residents and visitors to the state. The New York disabled parking program does a good job of improving quality-of-life and promoting equality for people who are disabled and have mobility issues. 

If you are a disabled person who lives in New York, it’s important that you make sure you have access to the New York disabled parking program. Today, we will tell you how to do just that in the complete guide to how you can get an online disabled parking permit in New York. 

Below we will answer all of the important questions about how to get a disabled parking permit in New York, such as … What types of disabled parking permits are available in New York? Who can legally issue a New York disabled parking permit? Who qualifies for handicap parking in NY? How long does it take to get a handicap placard in NY? And, how do I get a handicap parking permit in NY?

Why Get An Online Disabled Parking Permit In New York?

There are several reasons to get an online disabled parking permit in New York:

  • Disabled permits enable free parking in any designated ‘Disabled’ parking space.
  • Disabled permits enable improved access to public and private buildings, amenities, residences and attractions.
  • Disabled permits enable their holders to apply for residents disabled parking bays to be installed near their home. (New York City does not set aside reserved spaces on its streets for persons with disabilities. Reserved parking spaces are only available off-street, in parking lots.)
  • Disabled permits enable their holders to use disabled parking infrastructure in other US states and several foreign jurisdictions.

Applying for your disabled parking permit online in New York is advantageous because:

  • Applying online is time efficient.
  • The online application process is simple to navigate and user-friendly.
  • Medical certification can be arranged more quickly online using an online telemedicine clinic
Image by noelsch on Pixabay: How much is a handicap placard in NY?

How You Can Get An Online Disabled Parking Permit In New York

The process of getting your New York handicap parking permit online is straight-forward and simple. To get your online disabled parking permit in New York, you must first have a medical consultation at an online telemedicine clinic. A state-licensed medical professional will verify your suitability for disabled parking and then email you a signed copy of a New York disabled parking permit application form. 

You must then submit the completed application to either the NYC Department of Transportation, Nassau County Office of the Physically Challenged, or your nearest issuing agent, depending on where you live in New York State.

What Types Of Disabled Parking Permits Are Available In New York?

There are several different types of disabled parking permits available in New York. The type of permit you require will depend on what type of disability you have and whether you need on-street parking in New York City. The following types of disabled parking permits are available in New York:

  • New York State Permanent disabled parking permit
  • New York State Temporary disabled parking permit
  • New York State Organization disabled parking permit
  • Disabled Veterans license plate
  • New York City Parking Permits for People with Disabilities (NYC PPPD)

Who Can Legally Issue A New York State Disabled Parking Permit?

The New York Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) runs the disabled parking program in New York. However, the DMV does not issue New York disabled parking permits. So do not send your application to the DMV.

The Parking Permits for People with Disabilities Unit of the NYC Department of Transport issues disabled parking permits in New York City. In most other areas of New York State, city, town or village clerks, and police departments, issue disabled parking permits.

Who Qualifies For Handicap Parking In NY?

If you are a resident of New York and you are permanently or temporarily disabled to the extent that your mobility is severely limited you will qualify for a New York disabled parking permit. Organizations that transport disabled people as well as primary caregivers for disabled people also qualify for disabled parking. 

You do not need to drive your own vehicle to get a handicap parking permit. Non-drivers such as non-vehicle-owning adults, children and legally blind people can get a handicap parking permit to use when they travel in a vehicle that is not their own.

How Do I Get A Handicap Parking Permit In NY?

To get an online disabled parking permit in New York follow these simple steps:

  1. Arrange an online consultation with a state-licensed medical professional. During the consultation the medical professional will verify your suitability for disabled parking in New York. This consultation can be arranged through an online telemedicine clinic. Once your suitability is verified the medical professional will email you a certified application form.
  1. Complete the application form and submit it to your local disabled parking permit issuing agent. Which issuing agent you submit your application to will depend on where in New York you live. (If you are a resident of New York City you must also submit a copy of your driver license or non-driver ID).

If you live in New York City you must submit your application to:

NYC Department of Transportation, Permits and Customer Service
30-30 Thomson Avenue, 2nd Floor
Long Island City, New York 11101-3045

If you reside in Nassau County you must submit to the Nassau County Office of the Physically Challenged.

All other New York state residents need to contact their local city, town, or village hall to find out where they should submit their application.

Image by Pexels on Pixabay: How do I get a handicap parking permit in NY?

What Are The Qualifying Conditions For A Disabled Parking Permit In New York?

To qualify for a Permanent disabled parking permit in New York a person must be permanently disabled due to one or more of the following impairments, disabilities or conditions:

  • Portable oxygen tank usage
  • Legal blindness
  • Limited or no use of one or both legs
  • Unable to walk 200 feet without stopping
  • Neuromuscular dysfunction that severely limits mobility
  • Class III or IV cardiac condition according to American Heart Association standards
  • Severely limited mobility due to an arthritic, neurological or orthopedic condition 
  • Lung disease to such an extent that forced (respiratory) expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter, or the arterial oxygen tension is less than sixty mm/hg of room air at rest 
  • Any physical or mental impairment or condition not listed above which constitutes an equal degree of disability, and which imposes unusual hardship in the use of public transportation and prevents the person from getting around without great difficulty.

To qualify for a Temporary disabled parking permit in New York a person must be temporarily unable to ambulate without the aid of an assisting device such as a brace, cane, crutch, prosthetic device, another person, wheelchair or walker.

Who Can Certify An Application For Disabled Parking In New York?

All applications for a disabled parking permit in New York must be certified by a medical professional. The easiest way to arrange a medical consultation to get certification is to go to an online telemedicine clinic and set up a video consultation. 

The following types of medical professionals are qualified to certify an application for disabled parking in New York:

  • Medical doctor
  • Doctor of osteopathy
  • Physician assistant
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Doctor of podiatric medicine
  • Optometrist

How Much Is A Handicap Placard In NY?

  • New York Permanent and Temporary disabled parking placards are free. 
  • New York disabled parking license plates cost $25.

What Type Of Identification Is Required When Applying For New York Disabled Parking?

You are not required to have a NYS DMV-issued driver license or non-driver ID in order to get a disabled parking permit unless you live in New York City. Residents of New York City cannot get a disabled parking permit unless they include a copy of their NYS DMV-issued driver license or a non-driver ID card in their application.

How Do I Get A Disabled License Plate In New York?

You can get a disabled license plate in New York if you have a disability that is permanent and you own your own vehicle. You can get disabled plates at any Motor Vehicles office. Bring your current vehicle plates, and a completed application form or, if you have one, your Permanent (blue) disabled parking placard. 

Disabled license plates cost $25.00. If this transaction is done at any time other than when you renew your vehicle registration, you will have to pay an additional $3.75 transaction fee.

Disabled Veterans license plates are also available to people whose disabilities are military service related.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Handicap Placard In NY?

The process of applying for an online New York disabled parking permit can be completed in a few hours. Once the application has been submitted it will usually be processed within ten working days.

How To Renew A New York Disabled Parking Permit:

  • Permanent New York disabled parking placards expire on the date indicated on the permit. Temporary placards expire after 6 months. License plates must be renewed when the vehicle registration is due for renewal.
  • To renew your Permanent parking permit you must submit an application to your local issuing agent. New medical certification is not required.
  • Temporary New York disabled parking placards cannot be renewed. If you still require the use of disabled parking after your Temporary placard expires, you must apply for a new Temporary permit with new medical certification. 

Where Are New York Disabled Parking Permits Valid?

Can I use my NY handicap placard in another state? Yes, you can use your New York disabled permit in all other US states.

New York disabled parking permits are recognized in the following jurisdictions:

  • All US states
  • All US overseas territories
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • UK
  • EU
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Japan

NYC PPPD permits are only recognized in New York City.

Are Out-Of-State Disabled Parking Permits Valid In New York?

Yes, out-of-state disabled parking permits are valid in New York. Holders of out-of-state permits are entitled to park in designated disabled parking spaces across New York. However, to be entitled to park in on-street spaces In New York City for free, a visitor must apply for an NYC PPPD permit.

Handicap Parking Permit New York: Rules And Regulations

  • New York disabled parking permit holders may park for free in any designated ‘Disabled’ space in New York State for unlimited time.
  • New York City PPPD holders may park in on-street, metered spaces in NYC for free.
  • It is illegal for permit-holders to park in striped access aisles or any area that is designated ‘No Parking’.
  • Permit-holders must always use their own disabled parking permit. Use of a permit that is in somebody else’s name is illegal.
  • Permits must be hung from the rear-view mirror when the vehicle is parked. 
  • Permits must be stowed away when the vehicle is in motion.

Disabled Parking In New York City

New York disabled parking permits entitle their holder to park in any designated ‘disabled’ parking space in New York City (marked with the International Symbol of Access). However, these designated ‘disabled’ parking spaces are located in parking lots only. New York City does not have on-street disabled parking. To park on-street you must also apply for an NYC PPPD permit. A PPPD permit entitles its holder to park in:

  • Any metered parking space without charge
  • Any ‘No Parking’ space, regardless of hours, including street cleaning regulations
  • Any space designated for use by Authorized Vehicles
  • Any space designated ‘No Standing Except Trucks Loading/Unloading’ or ‘Truck Loading Only’

What Are The Fines For Misuse Of New York Disabled Parking Infrastructure?

  • Parking illegally in disabled parking spaces in New York can result in a fine of $50 to $75 for a first offense, and $75 to $150 for a second offense that is committed within two years. Municipalities can choose to impose higher fines. 
  • Any person who abuses or misuses any disabled parking permit or license plates can have the permit or plates revoked.
  • Making a false statement or providing false information on an application for a disabled parking permit or license plates is punishable by a fine of $250 – $1,000, imprisonment, or both.

This has been our complete guide to how you can get an online disabled parking permit in New York. If you have not yet gotten your New York disabled parking permit online go to the Dr. Handicap app and get the application process underway.

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Qualifying Conditions For A Disabled Parking Placard In New Mexico

Are you a resident of New Mexico with a disability? Do you frequently drive, and find it difficult to find a suitable parking space for your vehicle? Or, perhaps you are just curious as to what disabilities qualify for disabled parking in New Mexico? At Dr Handicap, we are here to answer all your disabled parking related queries, so strap in and let us help you get to grips with the New Mexico disabled parking laws.

A disabled parking placard will allow you to occupy disabled parking spaces at many destinations in the state, which can be a huge relief for disabled drivers. Knowing that you will be able to access suitable parking spaces wherever you are going can ensure you feel more comfortable and relaxed on any journey you undertake. You will no longer need to walk long distances to the entrance of the store, for example, and if you need to use a wheelchair ramp, there are reserved aisles for this purpose, so you have plenty of space.

The benefits of a disabled parking permit are clear – but what are the qualifying conditions for a disabled parking permit in New Mexico?

Who Qualifies For Disabled Parking In New Mexico?

Image by Raban Haaijk on Unsplash: What are the New Mexico disabled parking laws?

According to the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division, the following medical conditions make you eligible for a permit and you may apply for a permit if you:

  • cannot walk 100 feet without stopping to rest
  • cannot walk without the use of a brace, cane or crutch or without assistance from another person, a prosthetic device, a wheelchair or other assistive device
  • are restricted by lung disease to such an extent that your forced respiratory volume, when exhaling for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter or the arterial oxygen tension is less than sixty millimeters on room air at rest
  • use portable oxygen
  • have a severe cardiac condition
  • are so severely limited in the ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurologic or orthopedic condition that you cannot ascend or descend more than 10 stair steps

One important distinction to make when it comes to New Mexico parking permits is the difference between permanent and temporary placards. If you suffer from one of the above conditions on a long-term basis and are unlikely to recover in future, the physician will most likely promote you as a candidate for a permanent placard.

If your condition is short-term or requires future evaluation to see if it has improved, you may receive a temporary placard. A temporary placard can last for up to 12 months, and the physician will decide how long you should have your temporary permit for when they add their certification to your application form.

If your condition does not change prior to the expiration of your placard you can apply for a new permit, but you will require re-certification from the physician in order to prove that your condition has not improved. This can be done using the same form as for your original application.

What Disabilities Qualify For Disabled Parking In New Mexico?

As you can see, most qualifying conditions are those which severely restrict the individual’s mobility. However, if you have a condition which impacts your ability to drive and park, it may be worth discussing these with a licensed medical physician, who could use their expertise to evaluate whether you may still be eligible for a permit. It is worth recognizing that many serious medical conditions are invisible, and just because your condition or illness is not visible all of the time does not mean you don’t qualify. Rules also vary on a state-by-state basis, so it is important to do your research prior to applying to make sure you are familiar with the regulations surrounding disabled parking in your state. 

How Do I Get A Handicap Placard In New Mexico?

Image by Steven HWG on Unsplash: If you suffer from reduced mobility, you should consider applying for a New Mexico disabled parking permit!

To apply for your New Mexico disabled parking placard, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Complete your online consultation with a licensed New Mexico physician with the help of Dr Handicap.
  2. Complete the form ‘Application For Certificate Of Eligibility For Parking Placard’, including your physician’s certification.
  3. Apply for your permit in-person at any New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division, using your completed form and bringing your ID.
  4. Receive your placard. You are now free to legally occupy disabled parking spaces in New Mexico (but please remember to always ensure you display your placard correctly, in such a way that it is easily seen by parking attendants to avoid any issues).
  5. Ensure you renew your placard prior to its expiration, so that you can continue to use disabled parking spaces without any hassle.

Featured image by Joonyeop Baek on unsplash: How to apply for a handicap placard in New Mexico

3 Ways To Make Sure Your Disabled Parking Permit Is Visible At All Times

So, you’ve gone through the application process for a disabled parking permit in your state, your permit has finally arrived, and you’re ready to use it. We’re sure you’re ready to make the most of your disabled parking permit, and that you realize how much easier it can make driving for those who are disabled. However, it’s super important to correctly display your permit while occupying a disabled parking place, otherwise you may run into problems with law enforcement, even risking a fine or other punishment.

Even if you have an obvious or visible disability, it’s important that you never forget to clearly display your permit. Below, we’ll go through the correct ways to make sure your disabled parking permit is visible at all times so you can avoid any issues with the law. (Quick note: If you’re looking to use your disabled parking permit while visiting another state, make sure to check out your destination state’s relevant parking rules and regulations – read this blog for more information!)

How do I display a disability placard?

We already know that when parked in a disabled parking space, your stationary vehicle should clearly display your permit. So, if you’re wondering “Where do I put my disabled parking permit, exactly?”, there are numerous ways to ensure you’re within the law.

Dr Handicap - wheelchair
Image by stevepb on Pixabay: What are the rules for displaying a disabled parking placard?

Hang your placard from your rear-view mirror

Typically, most states offer disabled parking placards or permits that can be hung from your rear-view mirror. Disability placards are often hooked at the top, allowing you to easily attach them to the mirror.

Simply park your vehicle and before leaving, make sure you display the placard by hanging it in this way. Never drive with your placard hanging like this, or you may risk obstructing your line of vision, which can be dangerous.

Clearly display your permit on your vehicle’s dashboard

Alternatively, you can usually leave your disabled parking permit in an obvious location on your dashboard – just make sure it can be seen easily from the outside, so that parking attendants can quickly look in and spot it.

Get disabled parking plates

Many states offer disabled parking plates for those with permanent disabilities. The benefit of these is that they are constantly visible, as they are attached to the outside of your vehicle and therefore you don’t need to worry about constantly ensuring they’re displayed when you park. However, while many states offer this option to disabled drivers, it often incurs a fee, whereas placards or regular permits may not. This is worth taking into account too – although the fee is minimal, it could be an obstacle for some applicants.

Disabled veterans can usually apply for disabled parking plates – the cost of these varies per state. It can be anywhere from $1 to $20. You will typically be given the option to personalize your disabled parking plates too, should you want to do so, but be aware that this also incurs an additional fee.

It’s important to take into account the rules for displaying a disabled parking placard. If you’re a disabled driver with a permit, never allow someone else to use your permit, even if you share a vehicle, as this is a breach of the law. The benefit of having a placard rather than plates is that you can use your placard even if you are driving another car.

Your disabled parking permit will always allow you to park in reserved disabled parking, but some states go even further in what they offer to disabled drivers (such as free metered parking), so make sure to check the rules out in your own state to see what you are entitled to.

Dr Handicap - disabled parking sign on wall
Image by StephanieAlbert on Pixabay: How do I display a disability placard so that I can legally park in disabled spaces?

Uh-oh, I forgot to put my disability placard up and got a ticket!

This is unfortunate, but mistakes happen. If you simply forgot to put your disability placard up and were issued a fine, you generally have two options: simply pay the fine and be more careful in future, or contest it. However, whether this is possible really depends on the state.

Your best bet would be to contact local law enforcement and explain the situation to them, showing them your valid disabled parking placard. Each state differs in their approach to this, so it really has to be handled on a case-by-case basis. In some states, the court may waive the fee or cancel the ticket, but other states may not be so lenient.

The important thing is to try to develop a method for remembering to hang up your placard each and every time you park. By making it a habit, you’re sure to remember to always display your disabled parking permit correctly and avoid any problems.

Featured image by Nicolas Torres on Unsplash