Disabled drivers in America benefit hugely from owning a disabled parking permit. A disabled parking permit is a legal document that entitles its holder to use disabled parking spaces in whatever jurisdiction they are in. Disabled parking spaces are located in every part of the US. Being able to avail of disabled parking helps to even the playing field for people with disabilities.
Disabled parking infrastructure must adhere to the Americans With Disabilities (ADA) guidelines. ADA guidelines stipulate how many disabled spaces need to exist in a given area, where these spaces need to be located, and who can use these spaces. The ADA regulations are designed to benefit the lives of disabled drivers and to help them to live independently and to get around freely.
As a disabled driver, it is helpful to know as much as possible about the disabled parking system. Knowing the details of the rules and regulations of the disabled parking program makes life easier for disabled permit holders.
There are several different types of disabled parking permit available. What type of disabled parking permit is best suited to a person’s needs will depend on several factors, such as what vehicle they drive, whether they regularly travel in more than one vehicle, what type of a disability they have, and how long their disability will last.
![Dr. Handicap - Blue Handicap Parking Space](https://drhandicap.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/handicap-parking-2328893_960_720.jpg)
Are Disabled Parking Rules The Same In Every State?
The general gist of the disabled parking rules is similar in every state. This is because all states must adhere to ADA regulations. However, each jurisdiction implements their own independent disabled parking program, and some differences exist in the specific details of each state’s program.
What Types Of Disabled Parking Permit Are Available?
The most common types of disabled parking permit, which are available in the majority of states, are:
- Permanent disabled parking permit (in the form of a placard, license plate, or decal)
- Temporary disabled parking placard
- Disabled Veterans license plate or decal
- Organizational disabled parking placard
What Is A Disabled Driver Decal?
A disabled driver decal is a type of sticker that is durable and can withstand the elements. It is a version of a disabled parking permit that can be affixed to a license plate or to a vehicle that cannot hold a disabled parking placard, such as a motorcycle or boat.
Who Can Get A Disabled Driver Decal?
A disabled driver decal can be obtained by any person who qualifies for a permanent disabled parking permit. This includes people who qualify for a Disabled Veteran’s disabled license plate.
How Many Handicap Stickers Can You Get?
In most states, you can get several disabled parking decals if you need to. You can get a handicap sticker for each of the vehicles that you own.
How Does A Disabled Driver Decal Differ From Other Forms Of Disabled Parking Permit?
A disabled driver decal is a type of disabled parking permit, so it entitles its holder to all of the same benefits as any other type of disabled permit. The benefit of a decal is that it can be affixed to a license plate or to a vehicle that does not have a license plate, such as an off-road vehicle or boat. It can also be affixed to a vehicle that is not suited to displaying a disabled placard, such as a motorcycle.
Is A Handicap Sticker Valid In Every State?
A handicap sticker from any US state is also valid in every other US state. US disabled driver decals are also valid in several foreign countries, including Canada, Mexico, Japan, Australia, the EU, and Great Britain.
How Do You Get A Handicap Sticker?
You can get a handicap sticker from your local disabled parking authorities. In most jurisdictions, this will be the local Department of Motor Vehicles.
![Dr Handicap - disabled parking permit](https://drhandicap.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Dr-Handicap-disabled-parking-permit-1024x679.jpg)
What Are The Qualifying Conditions For A Disabled License Plate Decal?
The qualifying conditions for a disabled driver decal differ slightly state by state. But the main qualifying conditions are:
- An inability to walk 200 ft without needing to stop to rest
- An inability to walk without the aid of an assistive device or another person
- A heart condition
- Lung disease
- Any condition that necessitates the use of portable oxygen
- Legal blindness
- An orthopedic, arthritic, or neurological condition that curtails mobility
How Do You Apply For A Disabled Driver Decal?
The easiest way to apply for a disabled driver decal is online through the Dr. Handicap online clinic. Dr. Handicap will set up a consultation with a licensed physician in your state, who will examine you to verify your condition and fill in the relevant sections of your state’s disabled permit application forms.
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