7 COVID Safety Tips On Cleaning A Car

We’re all trying to do our best to make it out of the COVID-19 pandemic without getting sick. Because there can be some conflicting information out there, it can feel confusing to know which steps to take to stay virus-free. One of the places where you spend a lot of time but might not think about disinfecting is your car. Here’s some information on decreasing your risk of contracting COVID, as well as COVID safety tips on cleaning a car.

How can I reduce the risk of getting COVID-19?

The virus is easily transmitted from person to person, so you should make sure you’re taking a number of precautions to decrease your chances of getting sick.

Wear a mask

The easiest way you can keep yourself and others safe is to wear a mask. At this time, some health experts have recommended that people double up on their masks for maximum protection. Always carry a mask with you whenever you’ll be outside your home; you can even stash a few extras in your car so you’ll always have one on hand.

Stay socially distanced

Stay a minimum of six feet away from anyone who doesn’t live in your household. Keep your distance when running essential errands or if you’re working outside your home.

Only interact with people who live in your household

While the pandemic is still in full force, it’s best to only come into contact with people who live in your household. That means that you should place any plans on hold of getting together with friends or non-immediate family members. If it’s a necessity for you to see these people, stay outdoors, keep your distance, and leave your masks on the entire time.

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Image by Mike Baumeister on Unsplash: Wear a face mask whenever you’re out in public to reduce the risk of getting COVID-19.

Limit unsafe activities like dining or being around groups of people

High-risk activities, such as gathering in groups or dining inside, should be avoided until your state has lowered their case rates and hospitalizations.

Get the vaccine as soon as possible

The vaccine is your best shot at keeping yourself safe from the virus. Check out how your specific state is handling vaccines so that you’ll have more information on when it’s your turn to get vaccinated.

How can I keep my vehicle safe?

If you’re like most Americans, you probably spend quite a bit of time in your car. Despite your best efforts to keep it clean, you’ll want to take extra precautions during this time to keep your car germ-free. Here are a few COVID safety tips on cleaning a car effectively.

1. Wear masks and use hand sanitizer

If you’re in the car with anyone else living outside your household, make sure to wear masks the entire time. You’ll also need to use hand sanitizer frequently to cut down on the germs on your hands.

2. Provide good ventilation

To minimize the spread of germs, try to have good ventilation in your vehicle with open vents and windows. Having better air circulation can be a simple way to stay safe.

3. Limit food and drink intake

If you’re traveling with other people outside your household, you’ll want to skip eating and drinking in the car since you’ll need to take your masks off to do this.

4. Wipe down touchscreens

Newer models of cars all come with touchscreens, which can be breeding grounds for germs. If possible, use voice commands so you don’t have to touch the screen or have anyone else touch it. You should also regularly clean the touchscreen (most people recommend using a cloth with a mixture of 30% water and 70% isopropyl alcohol). Don’t use any harsh chemicals that might damage the screen.

5. Clean the inside of your car with disinfectant

How should you clean and disinfect surfaces in your vehicle? Make sure to clean your car using disinfectant wipes or sprays as often as possible (at least daily if you have the time). There are some commonly touched areas that are even more important to clean, including door handles, seat belts, the parking brake, the steering wheel, the turn indicator, and the trunk lid. Giving your car a good scouring should help give you a little bit more peace of mind.

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Image by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash: Use cleaning supplies to help sanitize your car as frequently as possible.

6. Get your car detailed

If you want a professional to handle the cleaning, take your car to a car wash to get detailed. Sanitizing your car with high-quality cleaning products can get rid of germs more effectively.

7. Make sure your car is in tip-top shape

Car maintenance during coronavirus is absolutely essential because you don’t want to worry about breaking down somewhere or having to enter any unsafe situations. Take your vehicle for regular maintenance (oil change, brake check, etc.) to ensure that you won’t have to make any unexpected visits to crowded repair shops or dealerships in the near future.

There are many steps you can take to make sure that you’re less likely to contract COVID. To keep your car in perfect condition, focus on upkeep and cleaning it as often as possible. This can help ensure your vehicle is clean and safe whenever you get behind the wheel.

Featured image by Hedgehog Digital on Unsplash

Can I Drive After Getting A Vaccine?

The COVID-19 virus has impacted pretty much everything about our way of living, so it makes sense that the vaccine is so important to moving our country towards a return to normalcy. But because there hasn’t been a mass vaccination effort of this magnitude in recent years, it seems most people are left with many questions about the vaccine. You might be wondering, “How do I get a vaccine appointment?” or “Can I drive after getting a vaccine?” Here’s a breakdown of some common questions about the vaccination process.

What is the COVID-19 vaccine?

The coronavirus vaccine, currently being distributed by two drug companies called Pfizer and Moderna, consists of two shots that you need either three or four weeks apart (depending on the manufacturer). The shots are administered in your arm, just like a flu shot, by a medical professional or pharmacy worker.

The vaccine was developed to help give people immunity to the coronavirus, and it went through multiple clinical trials to ensure its safety. It’s believed that the vaccine is effective in up to 90–95% of people. That means that only a small percentage of individuals who receive the vaccine will end up contracting the virus in the future. The vaccine also helps to make it so that if people do contract the virus, they won’t end up being as severely affected by it.

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Image by CDC on Unsplash: Getting a COVID-19 vaccine is one way to protect yourself against contracting the virus.

Who can get a vaccine?

The vaccine manufacturers have done successful clinical trials on adults age 18 and up, so anyone who’s not a child or younger teenager can benefit from the current vaccine options. There are still trials being conducted to see whether the vaccine is safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Right now, most states have begun to vaccinate their frontline healthcare workers and their elderly population (typically over 65 years of age). It will likely be several more months before the general population will have access to the vaccine.

Where can you get a vaccine?

At this time, the rollout of the vaccine to US citizens depends greatly on the specific state you live in. Some states, such as California, have implemented drive-through vaccinations at locations with large parking lots (such as Dodger Stadium) so that people can get in and out quickly.

Head to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website to get directions on what sites to head in order to get an appointment for a vaccine if you’re in one of the eligible categories. Those sites can be divided by state or even by county; they’ll inform you what locations near you are distributing the vaccine and how you can sign up for an appointment.

Can the COVID-19 vaccine cause side effects?

There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re wondering what to expect after the COVID vaccine. Firstly, it is extremely rare for anyone to have a serious reaction to the vaccine (especially if you’ve never experienced negative reactions to other vaccines in the past). In a few very rare cases, people have gone into anaphylactic shock and needed to get a dose of medicine from an EpiPen and visit a hospital.

For most people, side effects are milder and can consist of a slight fever, headaches, and chills. Some people will experience pain or swelling at the injection site. Typically, the pain is similar to what you feel after getting a flu shot. In most cases, these symptoms will dissipate within 24 hours.

Is it safe to drive after getting a vaccine?

For most people, driving after getting the vaccine won’t be a problem. At most vaccine sites, they’ll have you wait around 15 minutes before leaving to make sure you’re not having any side effects from the shot. However, if you’ve had allergic reactions to prior vaccines, you might want to have someone else drive you, just to be on the safe side.

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Image by Anastasiia Chepinska on Unsplash: It will be important for people to continue to wear masks in public for the near future.

What can I do to stay safe from COVID before and after getting a vaccine?

Before and after getting your vaccine, it’s essential that you wear a mask when out in public and keep social distancing (at least six feet away from people outside your household). It will take a large percentage of the population to be vaccinated before there’s any kind of herd immunity, so we’ll all definitely need to continue being cautious until this happens.

Find out more about getting vaccinated by going to the CDC website or your specific state’s health department website. Don’t forget to report any negative side effects you might experience to your doctor, and then keep wearing a mask for the near future, even if you’ve been vaccinated.

Featured image by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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