Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Handicap Permit 

There are many mistakes to avoid when applying for a handicap permit. Handicap permits offer individuals with disabilities much-needed accessibility and convenience in daily activities. These permits are not just a convenience but a lifeline for many, providing designated parking spaces closer to entrances and ensuring easier access to facilities and services. However, the misuse and abuse of handicapped parking permits have become increasingly prevalent, highlighting the importance of ensuring that these permits are granted and used appropriately.

In this article, we highlight the common mistakes applicants can avoid when applying for a handicap permit and guide potential applicants on how to navigate the process effectively. By understanding these pitfalls and learning how to avoid them, applicants can streamline their application experience and ensure that their needs are met efficiently and legally.

Understanding Handicap Permits

To begin with, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals of handicap permits. These permits are issued to individuals with disabilities to facilitate accessible parking. Eligibility criteria typically include individuals with mobility impairments, severe visual impairments, or other conditions that substantially limit their ability to walk.

There are two primary types of handicap permits: temporary and permanent. Temporary permits are issued for a specified duration, often related to the duration of the disability, while permanent permits are issued for long-term or permanent disabilities. Proper documentation from a healthcare provider is crucial for both types of permits to validate the applicant’s eligibility.

Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Handicap Permit

  1. Failing to provide sufficient medical documentation: One of the most common reasons for application denials is inadequate medical documentation. Applicants must provide detailed and current medical information that supports their need for a handicap permit. This documentation typically includes a doctor’s diagnosis, prognosis, and the expected duration of the disability.
  2. Incomplete or inaccurate application forms: Another frequent mistake is submitting incomplete or incorrect application forms. It’s vital to fill out all sections of the application accurately and ensure that the information is current and correct. Any errors or omissions can lead to delays or rejection of the application.
  3. Lack of awareness of eligibility criteria: Many applicants are unaware of the specific eligibility criteria for handicap permits. It’s essential to thoroughly review the requirements before applying to ensure that the applicant meets all necessary criteria. This may include understanding the types of disabilities that qualify for a permit and the specific documentation required.
  4. Applying for the wrong type of permit: Choosing the correct type of permit—whether temporary or permanent—is crucial. Applying for the wrong type can result in unnecessary delays or complications in the application process. Applicants should consult with their healthcare provider to determine the appropriate permit type based on their condition.
  5. Ignoring renewal deadlines: Handicap permits typically have expiration dates and require periodic renewal. Ignoring renewal deadlines can result in the permit expiring, which means the applicant would need to reapply. Staying aware of renewal deadlines and planning for the future can prevent lapses in permit validity.
Image by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.

Consequences of Mistakes

The repercussions of these mistakes can be significant. Delays in processing or denial of applications can lead to frustration and inconvenience for applicants who rely on handicap permits for daily mobility. Moreover, providing false information or misrepresenting medical conditions can have legal consequences, including fines or penalties.

Tips for a Successful Application

To avoid these pitfalls, consider the following tips when applying for a handicap permit:

  1. Research the requirements: Understand the eligibility criteria and ensure that you qualify before starting the application process.
  2. Gather necessary documentation: Collect all required medical documentation and ensure that it is current and comprehensive.
  3. Complete the application accurately: Fill out the application form carefully, double-checking all information for accuracy and completeness.
  4. Seek assistance if needed: If you’re unsure about any aspect of the application process, consult with healthcare professionals or disability advocacy organizations for guidance.
  5. Stay aware of renewal deadlines: Note the expiration date of your permit and make arrangements for renewal in advance to avoid any lapse in validity.

Avoid the Mistakes

Handicap permits are invaluable tools for individuals with disabilities, providing them with essential accessibility and convenience. It’s crucial to approach the application process with diligence and attention to detail to avoid common pitfalls that can delay or jeopardize the issuance of a permit. 

By understanding the requirements, gathering necessary documentation, and completing the application accurately, applicants can ensure a smoother and more successful application process. Let’s strive to uphold the integrity of handicap permits, ensuring they serve those who truly need them while discouraging misuse and abuse in our communities.

Featured image by George Becker on Pexels.

What Color Is A Permanent Handicap Placard?

If you’re new to the world of disabled parking permits, you might be unaware of some of the rules and regulations surrounding them. Although each state might do things a little differently, there are some similarities around the country. If you have questions (such as “What color is a permanent handicap placard?”), read on for more information.

What is a permanent handicap placard?

A handicap placard is issued by each state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) when an individual has proven that they have a disability that limits their mobility. In order to receive a placard, you must fill out an application from the DMV and be evaluated by a medical professional. During this medical certification process, your doctor will determine whether your disability is a permanent or temporary one.

Some examples of permanent medical conditions can include:

  • Not being able to walk more than 200 feet without needing to stop and rest
  • Not being able to walk without the use of a brace, cane, crutch, prosthetic device, wheelchair, another person, or other assistive devices
  • Having a respiratory condition that restricts breathing to such an extent that your forced (respiratory) expiratory volume for one liter or the arterial oxygen tension is less than 60 MM/HG on room air at rest – this can include conditions such as asthma, COPD, lung cancer, etc.
  • Needing to use portable oxygen
  • Having a cardiac condition that limits your functionality and is classified in severity as Class III or Class IV, according to the standards set by the American Heart Association
  • Being severely limited in your ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition
  • Being certified legally blind
  • Missing one or more limbs, which impairs your mobility

Your doctor must certify that you have one of these conditions and that you could benefit from having a handicap placard. A permanent placard in most states is blue. It’s generally valid for two to three years before you have to go through a renewal process.

Dr Handicap - doctor with phone
Image by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash: You must visit a medical professional (or connect to one through Dr. Handicap) to get certified for a temporary or permanent placard.

What is a temporary handicap placard?

If you have a temporary handicap placard, it’s because your doctor has recommended that you only receive a permit for a short period of time. This length of time differs from state to state, but generally is for up to six months. At the time it expires, you’re required to renew another temporary placard or have your doctor certify that you need a permanent one. Temporary disabilities can include things like pregnancy, a broken leg or foot, or recovering from surgery.

What do the different colors of handicap placards mean?

Each state can do things a little differently, but for the most part, if you see a blue handicap placard, that means the person has a permanent parking permit. Other colors include:

  • Red placards – for people with temporary disabilities
  • Light-blue placards – for disabled individuals who require the use of a wheelchair. People who have these types of placards can park in wheelchair user only parking spaces. They’re generally issued for permanent disabilities.
  • Green placards – these are a little bit rarer to spot. But if you come across one, it means that the placard has been issued to an organization that transports disabled individuals; these users also need access to handicap parking spaces for their passengers.

How can you get a handicap parking permit?

If you’re wondering how to get a handicap placard, you can find all the information you need at your local DMV office. There should also be information available at your state’s DMV website. First, you’ll need to verify that your medical condition will qualify you for a disabled parking permit. After you get the medical certification from your doctor, you’ll be able to complete your application and send it in, either by submitting it online or mailing it in to the DMV.

Once you have your placard in hand, you’ll have immediate access to designated handicap parking. It’s important to note that you can never lend your placard to anyone (even friends and family). The placard is only usable if you’re a driver or passenger in the vehicle that’s parked.

Dr Handicap - laptop
Image by Richard Brutyo on Unsplash: Head to your state’s DMV website for more information.

There are many benefits to having a temporary or permanent parking permit. Some states offer additional perks (such as free on-street metered parking) to those with placards, so make sure to find out what your specific state offers. As long as you remember to keep your placard up-to-date and renew it whenever it’s close to expiring, you’ll be able to use your parking permit to get convenient access to close parking places.

Featured image by IanDScofieldWriter on Pixabay

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