For those with reduced mobility living in the state of Georgia, a handicap parking placard can be a real game-changer, giving disabled drivers access to suitably designed parking spaces. But to continue to legally park in disabled spaces, you need to ensure your Georgia handicap parking permit remains valid. If you have a Georgia disabled parking permit, it’s very important to familiarize yourself with the renewal process, and the state’s disabled parking laws in general.
In this post, we’ll be answering several of your questions on disabled parking permits in Georgia, particularly those surrounding GA disabled parking permit renewal. If you’re asking yourself “How do I renew my disabled parking permit in Georgia?” or “Can you renew a handicap placard online in Georgia?”, you’ve come to the right place!
What qualifies me for a disabled parking permit in Georgia?
As per the state’s official guidelines, if you have one of the following conditions, you are eligible for a permanent Georgia disabled parking permit:
- Impaired hearing
- Extremely limited mobility (e.g. inability to walk more than 200ft independently or without stopping to rest)
- Severe lung disease
- An arthritic, neurological or orthopedic condition, or pregnancy complications, which severely limit mobility
- Vision impairment
- A serious heart condition (Class III or IV as per American Heart Foundation’s categories)
- Requiring portable oxygen on a daily basis
If you are recovering from a serious incident or surgery and your medical condition is likely to improve within 180 days, you may qualify for a temporary permit instead.
Disabled parking in Georgia: Which permit do I have?
The state of Georgia offers different types of handicap parking placard or permit, and it’s important to know which you have prior to renewal so you understand the process. While the qualifying medical conditions for every type of GA disabled parking permit may be similar, the severity of your disability will determine whether your physician deems you eligible for a permanent or temporary placard.
Georgia’s Department of Revenue offers:
- Permanently Disabled Person’s Parking Permits/Placards: These are free of charge, blue in color, and last for four years. Renewing this permit does not require medical re-certification.
- Temporarily Disabled Person’s Parking Permit/Placard: This permit is free of charge, red in color, and valid for up to 180 days depending on the applicable condition. This permit cannot be renewed – you must re-apply for a new one if your medical condition has not improved during this period.
- Special Equipment Disabled Person Parking Permit/Placard: This is free of charge, gold in color, and lasts for up to four years.
- Disabled Person’s License Plate: This costs $20 per year and requires further documentation upon application.
- Disabled License Plate for a Business: A business can apply for this permit if a disabled employee is the main driver of the vehicle in question.
How do you renew your Georgia handicap parking placard online?
Now that we’ve quickly run through the different types of permit and the lengths of their validity, you can see that it’s important to be aware of the type you have so that you can renew it correctly and at the right time. Temporary permits do not allow for renewal, and you will need to reapply with your physician’s certification in order to receive another permit.
Renewing a permanent placard is not a difficult process, but unfortunately the entire renewal process cannot be completed online. The application and renewal form can be downloaded online, but you must submit it via mail or in person at your local county tag office (along with any other documentation required).
How do I renew my disabled parking permit in Georgia?
To renew a temporary permit, you will need to resubmit a new application by following these steps:
- To apply for your first disabled parking permit, or to renew an existing one, you must complete this form.
- If you’re applying for a permit for the first time, no matter whether it’s a permanent or temporary one, you will need to undergo a physician’s consultation to confirm your eligibility. You can do this online via telemedicine.
- Submit this form, including your physician’s certification, to your local county tag office. You may do so in person or by mail.
If you’re renewing a permanent placard, you don’t need to provide certification from your physician (assuming your medical condition has not improved or changed).