Qualifying Conditions For A Handicap Parking Permit In Arizona

A handicap permit can make a world of difference for disabled drivers. It ensures you have priority for easily accessible parking wherever you go. Applying for your handicap permit in Arizona does not need to be a long or difficult process. The Arizona Department of Transportation can issue both handicap license plates and placards. These can be temporary or permanent, and in Arizona, unlike other states, you can qualify for a disabled parking placard or license plate if you are hearing impaired.
Read on for our guide to qualifying conditions for a handicap parking permit in Arizona, and for more info on how to begin the application process.
How do you qualify for handicap parking in Arizona?
The Arizona Department of Transportation can issue disability placards and license plates for people with the following conditions, among others (check with your local DMV office for more information):
- Not being able to walk 200 feet without stopping to rest
- Cardiac conditions
- Neurological, arthritic, or orthopedic conditions
- Restrictive lung disease
- Needing a mobility device like a wheelchair, crutch, brace or cane
- Requiring portable oxygen
- Hearing impairment
You can read more about the general qualifying conditions on this page. If you’re a veteran, you may also qualify for a Veteran License Plate for Arizona residents. In order to qualify, your disability must be service-related and verified by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

How long does it take to get a disability placard in Arizona?
Getting a disability placard in Arizona is a simple and straightforward process if you have a qualifying condition. Wondering how to get a handicap placard in Arizona? Just arrange an online consultation with one of our licensed medical professionals through Dr. Handicap. During this online consultation, the doctor will go through your medical history and will verify that you qualify for a disabled parking permit. They will also help you to fill out the necessary forms for your application, which you can then submit to your local DMV office.
After they have explained this process to you, your application has been submitted to the DMV, and you have paid any applicable fees, you will quickly receive your disability placard/license. If you do not qualify for a disabled parking permit after meeting with one of our online medical professionals, your consultation fees will be refunded.
What are the Arizona handicap placard laws?
In Arizona, you can receive either a disabled parking placard or a disabled parking license. The placard must be clearly visible at all times, either on the dashboard of your vehicle or hanging from the rearview mirror. If the placard is not visible (even if it is elsewhere in your car), you may receive a fine, so it’s important to display it clearly. The license plate needs to be firmly attached to your vehicle at all times.
Arizona issues permanent and temporary disabled parking permits. It’s important to renew your permit in time, before it expires. Whether you receive a permanent or temporary permit is determined by your qualifying condition. However, even permanent permits technically expire, and must be renewed. Luckily, renewing is a simple process that can be done at your local DMV office, provided that you do so before your permit’s expiration date.

Your Arizona handicap permit allows you to park in handicap parking with the universal disabled parking sign. This is also known as the International Symbol of Access, and it is a blue square with a wheelchair overlaid. This may either be painted onto the ground on the parking spot itself, or printed on a sign marking the space.
Be sure to make yourself aware of the applicable parking meter rules of your local town or city, as each place has different rules surrounding metered parking. For example, some places in Arizona may offer free metered parking for the specified time for that parking meter, whereas others may allow you to pay your allotted time at that meter and then stay an hour for free. Arizona also recognizes out-of-state disabled parking permits, so visitors are afforded the same rights at Arizona disabled parking permit holders.
For more information on handicap parking permits in Arizona and in other states, be sure to check out the wealth of information on our website and our blog!
Featured image by Quintin Gellar on Pexels