How Do You Renew Your Idaho Handicap Parking Placard Online?

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Today we’re here to discuss disabled parking in Idaho and answer the important question: how do you renew your Idaho handicap parking placard online?

We’ll also delve into other queries, such as… Can you renew a handicap placard online in Idaho? What types of handicap parking permits need to be renewed in Idaho? Do I need medical certification to renew my Idaho handicap parking placard online? How do I renew my disabled parking permit in Idaho? What do I do with an expired handicap placard in Idaho?

Read on for the full rundown on disabled permit renewal in Idaho.

Can You Renew A Handicap Placard Online In Idaho?

When applying to renew your Idaho handicap parking placard, you can complete all of the necessary paperwork online. You can also have your medical consultation online. You must then submit your application to the Idaho Transportation Department, either by mail or in person.

What Types Of Handicap Parking Permits Are Available In Idaho?

The following types of handicap parking permits are available in Idaho:

  • Permanent disabled parking placard
  • Permanent disabled parking license plate
  • Temporary disabled parking placard
  • Personalized permanent disabled parking
  • Disabled veteran’s license plate (available for people whose disability is military service–related)
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Image by donwhite84 on Pixabay: How do you renew your Idaho handicap parking placard online?

Do All Types Of Idaho Handicap Parking Permits Need To Be Renewed?

Not all types of Idaho handicap parking permits need to be renewed. Idaho permanent disabled parking placards do not need to be renewed. However, permanent disabled license plates need to be renewed when the vehicle’s registration period ends.

Also, if you still need to use disabled parking when your temporary handicap placard expires after six months, you will need to apply for a new one.

Do I Need Medical Certification To Renew My Idaho Handicap Parking Placard Online?

You need new medical certification if you want to get a new temporary disabled placard once your original expires. You do not need new medical certification if you’re renewing your permanent disabled license plates.

Who Can Certify An Application To Renew A Handicap Parking Permit Online In Idaho?

Any of the following state-licensed medical professionals can certify an application for disabled parking in Idaho:

  • Licensed physician
  • Licensed advanced-practice professional nurse
  • Licensed physician’s assistant

How Do You Renew Your Idaho Handicap Parking Placard Online?

So, how do I renew my disabled parking permit in Idaho? The ID disabled parking permit renewal process is quick and easy. Only temporary placards need to be renewed in Idaho, and you can complete most of the process online by following these simple steps.

  1. Have a consultation with a state-licensed medical professional. This can be arranged through an online telemedicine clinic. Once the medical professional has verified your disability, they’ll fill in the relevant sections of an Idaho handicap placard application form and email it to you within one working day.
  2. Complete the medically certified application form.
  3. Submit the application form in person to your local county DMV or by mail to:

Idaho Transportation Department Vehicle Services – Special Plates
PO Box 7129,
Boise, ID 83707 -1129

How Much Does It Cost To Renew My Handicap Parking Permit In Idaho?

Both permanent and temporary handicap parking placards are free in Idaho. Standard disabled license plates cost the standard vehicle registration fee, and personalized disabled license plates cost an extra $25.00 initial fee and extra $15.00 renewal fee.

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Image by Binyamin Mellish on Pexels: Can you renew a handicap placard online in Idaho?

What Are The Qualifying Conditions For An Idaho Handicap Parking Permit?

The qualifying conditions for handicap parking in Idaho are:

  • An inability to walk 200 feet or more unassisted by another person or without the aid of a walker, crutches, braces, prosthetic device or a wheelchair.
  • An inability to walk 200 feet or more without great difficulty or discomfort due to any of the following impairment types: neurologic, orthopedic, respiratory, cardiac, arthritic, blindness, or the loss of function or absence of a limb or limbs.

What Do I Do With An Expired Handicap Placard In Idaho?

You can return your expired Idaho handicap placard to the Idaho DMV or dispose of it in another secure way.

What Are The Handicap Parking Rules In Idaho?

  • Disabled parking permit holders are entitled to park in any designated disabled parking space in Idaho for free.
  • Disabled permit holders may park for free in metered, on-street spaces for an unlimited time in Idaho.
  • Permit holders are not entitled to park in any areas in which the stopping, parking, or standing of all vehicles is prohibited or which are reserved for special types of vehicles.
  • Disabled parking placards must be hung from a vehicle’s rearview mirror when the vehicle is parked, and stowed away when the vehicle is in motion.

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