Get Your Disabled Parking Permit Online In Alaska

Disabled parking permits are making the lives of millions of Americans easier and more stress-free. Disabled permits improve accessibility to public and private amenities for people who have a wide range of disabilities. Some states have simplified the process of applying for a permit by making it possible to apply online. So, can you get your disabled parking permit online in Alaska? Read on to learn all you need to know.
Can You Get Your Disabled Parking Permit Online In Alaska?
Unfortunately, there is no online application for an Alaska disability placard. However, you can download the Alaska disabled parking permit application form online and then submit it by mail. This allows you to avoid queuing at the local DMV office.
What Types Of Alaska Disabled Parking Permits Are Available?
The following types of disabled parking permits are available in Alaska:
- Permanent disabled parking placard or license plates
- Temporary disabled parking placard
- Organization disabled parking permit (if you transport individuals with disabilities)
- Disabled Veterans license plates (requires certification from Veteran’s Affairs stating that your disability is at least 50% service-related)

How Do I Get A Disabled Parking Permit In Alaska?
You can’t submit your application form for Alaska disabled parking entirely online, but most of the process can be done remotely.
The first step is to have a video consultation with a state-licensed medical professional at the Dr. Handicap online clinic. Once your disability has been verified, the physician will complete the relevant sections of Form 861: Application for Disabled Parking Identification and email it to you within one working day.
Once you receive the physician-signed application form, you should print it out, complete it, and submit it to the Alaska DMV. You can submit your application either in person at your local DMV office or by mail to:
State of Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles
ATTN: Disability Permit
1300 W. Benson Blvd, Suite 200
Anchorage, AK 99503
Who Can Certify An Application For A Disabled Parking Permit In Alaska?
The following medical professionals can certify an application for a disabled parking permit in Alaska:
- Licensed Alaskan physician
- Physician assistant
- Nurse practitioner
- Podiatrist
- Speech-language pathologist
- Physical therapist
- Occupational therapist
What Are The Qualifying Conditions For An Alaska Disabled Parking Permit?
You will qualify for an Alaska disabled parking permit if you are disabled in one or more of the following ways:
- You cannot walk 200 feet without stopping
- You cannot walk safely without using a brace, cane, crutch, another person, prosthetic device, wheelchair, or another assistive device.
- You are restricted by lung disease
- You use portable oxygen
- You have a cardiac condition classified by Class III or Class IV according to the standards set by the American Heart Association
- You are severely limited in your ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition
How Much Does An Alaska Disabled Parking Permit Cost?
Alaska disabled parking placards of all types are free. Your first set of disabled parking license plates is free, but additional sets of plates, or plates for a commercial vehicle, cost a $100 registration fee.
How Long Are Alaska Disabled Parking Permits Valid For?
Temporary Alaska disabled license plates and placards are valid for up to six months, while permanent license plates and placards are valid for up to five years.
The expiration month is printed on your permit. Permits expire on the last day of the month.
How Do I Renew An Alaska Disabled Parking Permit?
All types of Alaska disabled parking permits are renewed by submitting a new application form along with new medical certification.

Where Can I Use My Disability Placard In Alaska?
Alaska disability parking permits can be used all across the state of Alaska, in every other US state and US overseas territory, and in the following foreign countries:
- Canada
- Mexico
- Japan
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Switzerland
- UK
- EU
Disability parking placards from all US states are valid in Alaska.
Alaska Disabled Parking Rules And Regulations
Alaska disabled parking permit holders can park in any designated disabled parking space in the state. These spaces are marked with blue signs containing the International Symbol of Access.
Disabled parking placards must be hung from the rearview mirror when your vehicle is parked and safely stowed while your vehicle is in motion.