4 Exercises To Help Those Who Get Out Of Breath

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Cardiovascular exercise can help people who get out of breath easily because it promotes blood circulation to the lungs. Cardio improves lung system efficiency, promotes healthy breathing, and increases the amount of oxygen that is transferred from the lungs to the blood and around the entire body.

The beauty of cardiovascular training is that you can do it at whatever level of intensity works for you. Wherever you are now, in terms of your cardiovascular fitness, is just fine – working at whatever pace you can manage will do you the world of good. If you stick with it, you will slowly and steadily increase the intensity and duration of your exercise over the weeks and months, and your fitness, breathing and lung capacity will improve slowly but surely.

Breathing exercises are also very helpful for those who get out of breath. Concentrated, deliberate breathing patterns can be performed on their own, in a relaxed position such as sitting or lying on your back, or they can be done in tandem with some cardiovascular exercise.

A mix of cardiovascular work and breathing exercises, done regularly over the long haul, is the ideal approach to improving your lung capacity and making sure that you do not get out of breath.

Here are four exercises that will help you if you tend to get out of breath. Pick the exercises that suit your lifestyle best and if you stick with them and practice consistently, they will certainly help to improve your breathing.

Dr Handicap - sunset-biking

Biking is an excellent form of exercise for those who get out of breath.


The bicycle is absolutely one of man’s greatest inventions! Riding a bike is fun and it’s a wonderful form of exercise. If you don’t feel up to taking too long of a bike ride, but still fancy getting out of your neighborhood, you can always load your bicycle into your car, drive to a location of your choice and, if you qualify for a handicap parking permit, park in a disabled parking spot that affords you easy access to a nice area in which to take a relaxing and healthy bike ride. Another option is to go to your local gym and use a stationary bike. The advantage of a stationary bike is that you can safely watch television while you cycle! Cycling is very suitable for those who get out of breath because it fires up the cardiovascular system and gives the lungs a thorough but manageable workout.

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A good old fashioned walk is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. A nice walk – at whatever pace you can manage and for as long as feels right to you – will get your blood flowing, fire up your cardiovascular system, and get your lungs working. Walking outdoors is ideal (especially in nature) because this will provide you with some varied terrain to traverse, mimicking the uneven African savannah our bodies evolved to walk on. But if due to your medical condition walking outdoors is not an option, you can always drive to your local health club, use your handicap parking permit to park right near the door, and then take a nice, manageable stroll on an indoor treadmill. Your body, and lungs in particular, will always enjoy a good walk…give yourself the gift a walking!


Another fantastic cardiovascular workout is jogging. Whether you are jogging very slowly, or perhaps upping the tempo and trying a moderately quick canter, either of these types of jogging will work wonders for your cardiovascular system and improve your lung capacity. Just like with walking, you can jog outdoors or indoors. You can make it extra easy for yourself by driving to the local park, beach or gym, parking right by the entrance using your disabled parking permit, and going for a light jog on the soft grass or sand, or using a treadmill in the gym. Driving to your place of exercise means that when you feel tired you do not have to do much work at all to get home – your car is right outside in your handicap parking spot waiting to take you home.

Dr Handicap - walking-shoes

Deep breathing meditation

An excellent breathing exercise that will help you to increase your lung capacity, while at the same time reducing anxiety, stress, and tension, and promoting well-being, is to spend 10 minutes each day meditating deeply on your breath. You do this by taking a deep inhale through your nose for three seconds and then exhaling through your nose for 3 seconds, concentrating on the breath as closely as you can, and feeling the air coming in and going out. You simply sit still and do this consciously, for ten minutes, every day. You can do it anywhere – in bed when you wake up in the morning, or in your car in a parking spot. Learning to control your breath with this daily practice has excellent health benefits, especially for those who get out of breath.