What Conditions Are Covered By “Limited Mobility”?

Dr Handicap - man in wheelchair

Many conditions can cause limited mobility and movement in patients who will need to make adjustments in their lives to carry on as normal as possible. Limited mobility can mean that movement is hampered or restricted in certain parts of the body due to spasms or paralysis, or that intense pain can limit full range of movement. With limited mobility, patients will need to consider the impact on their lives and careers and may have to apply for a disabled parking permit, specialized medical care, and even bespoke clothing to ensure they can be as comfortable as possible. In applying for certain things, you must prove that your condition is covered by the definition of ‘limited mobility’. This varies from state to state, but the below conditions are often covered.

1. Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is an illness that degenerates the nervous system. The primary symptoms are related to motor function. Sufferers will experience shaking and tremors, a hunched gait when walking, slow movement, and rigidity in the body. As a result of all of these symptoms, mobility is clearly affected. Most people with Parkinson’s will require assistance in completing day-to-day activities such as dressing, eating, and going to the bathroom. There are treatments available that can lessen the symptoms, but it is described as a long-term chronic condition with no cure.

2. Arthritis

Arthritis is the name given to any condition that affects the joints in any part of the body. There are three main types of arthritis: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gouty arthritis. Symptoms include joint pain, limited mobility, stiffness, and insomnia. It is also common for joints to become twisted and deformed. Depending on the location and severity of the arthritis, it can be a hugely limiting condition or just a daily irritation, but it is important to receive the correct diagnosis so that the appropriate treatment can be administered.

3. Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord injuries can occur as the result of a trauma or as the symptom of an associated condition. Depending on the severity of the injury, paralysis and other motor symptoms may occur. The damage and symptoms can be temporary or permanent. Depending on the location of the injury and its cause, patients may experience paralysis, tremors, incontinence, muscle weakness, and the inability to breathe unaided. Spinal cord injuries are usually very serious and require specialized treatment and rehabilitation to ensure that patients can readjust to their new circumstances. Usually with specialized care, patients can live full lives with assistance and modified living conditions if needed.

4. Ataxia

Ataxia is a symptom of many different conditions that involves being unable to control muscle movement and coordination. It can be caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, lesions on the brain or spinal cord, radiation poisoning, or trauma. While treatment can be carried out, it usually addresses the root cause of the ataxia, such as vitamin B12 injections, lesion removal or treatment, and radiation poisoning treatment. Once ataxia is present it is difficult to fully remove, although many patients will experience relief upon receiving appropriate treatment.

5. Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a condition in which the myelin sheath, a protective covering on nerves, degenerates over time, causing numerous symptoms. Symptoms include tingling, limited mobility, ataxia, visual and speech issues, and continence problems. Depending on the type of multiple sclerosis, patients may require differing levels of care. Patients will usually require adjustments made to their lives; even if their case is mild, they will usually tire quickly and require more time to complete tasks than those who are unaffected. Treatment varies depending on the type of multiple sclerosis, but there is no cure. Treatment is limited to alleviation of symptoms as opposed to curing the illness itself.

Dr Handicap - walking with crutches

6. Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is the name given to a group of movement issues. It usually presents in childhood and is the result of premature birth, genetic factors, or other issues present during labor and childbirth. Cerebral palsy cases vary massively, with some patients presenting only with movement and mobility issues and others experiencing learning and behavioral difficulties. There is no cure for cerebral palsy, but patients can live with the condition once the appropriate amendments are made to their life. Many sufferers have modified cars and use a handicap parking permit, wear specialized shoes to aid walking, or have certain housing modifications.

If you are experiencing limited mobility, it is best to speak to your doctor and to seek advice from medical specialists who can advise on the most appropriate forms of treatment. Do not suffer in silence, as certain modifications to your life will allow you to live fully and not be held back by your condition.